Who: Eliwood [
bladeofpherae] and Hector [
What: Starting their duel record clean, and Eliwood finding out he's pretty much screwed kicking Hector's ass! But not rly.
When: After Eliwood stops emoing enough for both he and Hector. And probably half of Paradisa. Dammit Eliwood.
Where: Courtyard~!
Rating: PG-13, due to violence and accidental bloodshedding prolly!
Shutting the journal after he finished speaking to Hector, Eliwood sighed quietly, taking a few moments to simply think to himself. This was a Hector from a future timeline... a Hector who knew them as married men, as men who'd ruled their respective lands of Ostia and Pherae for some time now, while land Eliwood remembered was just ascending the throne.
A mischievous smirk curling Eliwood's lips as he stood, drawing the legendary sword Durandal from the sheathe at his hip. It made no matter-- Hector was Hector, and from what Eliwood had seen he was still the same as--
Eliwood paused from narrating his inner monologue to glance at the sword he held curiously. It felt... awkward to hold. Almost as if he'd never held it in his entire life. Brows furrowing, Eliwood took a few practice swings. It still felt odd... ah well. He'd get back into the rhythm of it while he and Hector fought. Sheathing the blade once more, he exited his room.
The Marquess of Pherae made his way down the many stairwells of the castle, emerging from the front entrance of the castle. Blue eyes glancing about for a few moments, he made his way into the courtyard, looking for a figure carrying a giant axe over his shoulder.