We're rebuilding a wall!

Apr 11, 2007 07:27

Who: Haru, Aang, Katara, Ruby, Vivi, Othello and anyone else who wants to join...
When: Sometime after Haru's post...
Where: First floor then about 50 ft away from the castle
What: With consistency problems, the great big Earthen wall had some holes in it and Haru proposes to go fix it up while others are protecting him and Aang.
Rating: PG-PG13(Yanno...for language and stuff to be safe.)

Haru tapped his foot while he was waiting on the first floor, he wanted to get out there as soon as possible to limit the masses that were coming. Though he wasn't sure if Aang knew how to tunnel outside and it wouldn't make sense for them to go back and forth. He already had Ruby the dragon helping them outside and some ice users, he was hoping for more people to join...

okami amaterasu, othello farrel, avatar!haru, ruby, aang, katara

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