[Thread] Do you think it'd be alright, if I could just crash here tonight?

Apr 09, 2007 22:58

Who: Crowley (
gone_native) and Henry (
What: Henry hasn't been seen outside his room in a while, ever since he and Crowley got drunk together, so Crowley decides to bust in and find out what the hell is going on
When: April 9th, morning (it's as accurate as I care to make it, so there XD )
Where: Henry's room, 1420
Rating: PG-13 ~ A few mentions of guys kissing each other and Henry throws the f-bomb

The world had moved on, as it always did. People went about their daily routines. Mornings gave way to afternoons, afternoons to evenings, and then night fell again and again.

Henry, however, had fallen out of this loop somewhere a couple of rotations ago.

That night drinking with Crowley...ugh. He hadn't gotten that sloshed since the time his roommates had filled him full of Jaegerbombs in college. At least this time he'd woken up wearing his own boxers....

...yep, those were his. Just had to check.

Sunlight streamed in through the open window, creating a blinding wall of light and pain that Henry buried his face into the blankets desperately to avoid. Every bit of light hurt his eyes like fire. Every little noise reverberated through his head like a jackhammer. So when there came a pounding at the door, and a voice resounding sternly through it, Henry dug himself even deeper into the covers in a bid to block it all out. It hurt, goddammit.

The voice at the door was Crowley, though. Henry recognized it after a moment. He couldn't just hope that Crowley would go away. The demon sounded...insistent. Damn. Henry moved a little, to see if he could possibly get out of bed while still bundled up in his blankets and thereby avoid the light on the way to the door...and promptly fell out of bed, still tangled in the covers.


henry townshend, a.j. crowley

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