Who: Hayner and Toboe
What: ohnoes Hayner's half wolf!
Where: Hayner's room
When: when Hayner discovers he's half wolf, duh
Rating: PG-PG 13 for possible language and violece (oh dear)
Toboe had a very bad feeling about the wolf that attacked Hayner, and now based on his friend's latest writing his fears had been confirmed. It was no ordinary wolf that bit him. Toboe couldn't imagine what his friend was going through but he definitely needed someone there with him to help out. And who better to do so than another wolf? No matter what was wrong, Toboe was confident he would be safe. Even if Hayner attacked him, Toboe wasn't human and thus couldn't be affected by a werewolf's curse.
Toboe found Hayner's door and waited at the entrance. "Hayner!" he called out. "It's Toboe! Are you still okay?" He carefully sniffed the area. He hadn't met Hayner in person before so he didn't know how his friend smelled, but Toboe could tell that the human smell was very faint. It was tinged with a very wolfish smell, but it gave him the same weird feeling that the other wolf smell did.