[Thread] Hardcore Tag~

Apr 08, 2007 01:49

Who: Noki (bullet_twin), Loz (asobu_ka), Radical Edward (r4d1c41edward)
What: Noki's rounded up a couple playmates for a game of Tag.
When: Mm, lets say the afternoon of April 6th?
Where: Library
Rating: PG-Pg-13? This isn't going to be a very peaceful game D:

Noki crouched in her spot on top of one of the reading chairs spread about the library. Using her knees as a makeshift righting surface, she had her journal open on her knees and a pen gripped in one sleeve (as usual, her hands were no where to be seen under the lengthy fabric). She’d just scrawled messages to Loz and Ed telling them to meet her down in the library before she’d left her room, and now she was scouring the pages for any sign that they might’ve changed their minds. Much to her delight, she didn’t find anything of the sort. Noki still hadn’t seen or heard from Luki, and she was beginning to get lonely and bored. But mostly bored.

Positively thrilled to have found someone to play with, she hadn’t wasted her time running down the seemingly endless flights of stairs to park her butt in the library. Noki just hoped they didn’t take too long to show up.

edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky iv, loz, noki

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