Thread: Tell Me A Story

Apr 05, 2007 22:41

Who: Dark [
scarred_dark] and Mahaado [
What: Mahaado takes Dark to the library.
When: After this.
Where: The library.
Rating:  Um...PG? For blood?

Mahaado closed his journal slowly and thoughtfully, the image of the reddish smears on the page--as well as the words of their maker--still fresh in his mind's eye. Dark, was it? A boy or girl named Dark. Likely a boy, seemingly a child. A very strange child.

The mage did not really have the time to ponder it, however. The eighteenth floor was a good distance away, and he realized it would probably best if he started his journey as soon as possible. Standing, he felt his casual tunic brushing softly against his tanned ankles. Over the months he had spent at Paradisa, Mahaado had grown accustomed to wearing less formal clothes than he was used to. He was not, however, used to speaking to people without a clear status to which he could fall back on in times when politeness was needed. What would he say to Dark, not as a servant or teacher, but another human being?

He only knew he wanted to help.

Minutes later, he stood in front of the designated door with a small feeling of trepidation. He gave a soft knock.

"Dark? Are you prepared?" He asked, then added. "This is Mahaado."

mahaado, dark

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