[Thread] Ruby and Speed go into town

Apr 05, 2007 19:00

Who: Ruby ( notsomuchakitty ) and Speed ( go_speedle_go)
What: Speed invited Ruby to go to town with him so she's decided to take a break from her Trap exploding
When: Earlier today
Where: Speed's room -----> town
Rating: PG?

Ruby had spent the last two days destroying the traps that Vexen laid for someone he knew named Axel. Ruby recalled seeing his name in the journal from time to time but she'd rarely paid any attention. One of those people who was always surrounded by drama from the looks of it.
She stepped on her journal and turned around, looking at Vexen who seemed to have lost his sanity..hopefully temporarily. Ruby missed him. "Pup! I'm going out. NO MORE TRAPS!...ugh."
She didn't even wait for him to answer her, it wasn't as if the answer would make any amount of sense anyway.

She flew out the window then up, up, up, up to the nineteenth floor. It was a pretty steep climb all the way up there from floor five. She'd hate to be a human who had to walk the stairs. That'd suck. On the way up, when she was far enough off of the ground she changed forms then latched on to the wall outside of Speed's window. She stuck one of her claws into the bottom wood of the window frame and pushed up, opening the window. If it had been latched from the inside the latch would have broken but either way Ruby wasn't too worried about it. It would have fixed itself by the time they got back anyway. She brought her eye down to the window and peeked in. "You ready, Speed?"

tim speedle, ruby

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