[Log: Bart and Leon]

Apr 04, 2007 23:17

Who: Bart Allen and Leon
What: CPVC Interview
When: 3/29 at 3 PM
Where: Library
Rating: G

Being on time should have never been a problem for Bart or anyone closely involved in his family, since, of course, they were the fastest beings alive. However, like his mentor before him, the youngest Speedster had a knack for being late. 3 o'clock in front of the library, for that volunteer committee's interview. He'd remembered, but got carried away with playing video games, so he would arrive there somewhere around 3:05. Not exactly the best first impression, but he never thought about that, either. How could they turn him down? He was a superhero, after all.

Once he arrived in front of the designated place, he just sort of shuffled his hands into his pockets and slumped over like any teenager would. Truth was, he knew the guy's name was Leon, but he'd never met him face to face before, so he wasn't sure exactly who, or maybe what, he was looking for.

Bart's tardiness had Leon agitated and looking at the Library clock every three seconds. He had other things to do, speak with Sel--ah, maybe? His eyes caught someone lumbering down the hall. Whatever, might as well. "Hey, kid," he called gruffly, frowning. "Are you Bart?" Leon hoped the kid would look up when he spoke--Leon wouldn't be able to read his lips otherwise, and his journal was in the CPVC office. Being deaf was incredibly inconvenient--but that was the point, wasn't it?

Bart wasn't aware that Leon was deaf, either, so it could be a problem. Luckily, however, he was very expressive, and NOT your average teen by way of avoiding eye contact. "Yeah I'm Bart!" he declared with a grin. "And you're Leon, then. Hey." he offered a wave in place of a handshake. "Sorry I'm late. Usually that doesn't happen." Okay, it did. But Bart figured the rest of his speed made up for that small detail.

And yet another person under twenty for CPVC. Leon was starting to wonder if there was any more people around his age who were mentally stable and caring. Meh, whatever. He resisted the urge to touch his scar in annoyance, instead gesturing for Bart to follow him. "Follow me," he ordered and entered the Library. He led the way to the back of it, where the CPVC offices were located, and opened one of the closed doors for the kid. "Have a seat, kid."

Doing as told, and resisting the urge to run around the castle a few times to get rid of the impatience, Bart followed behind closely, raising a brow behind Leon's back. Another guy who was serious business. Oh well. In the office, he plopped down in a chair, crossing his legs over one of the arms. "You don't have to call me 'kid', ya know? It kinda feels like you already don't think I can help any. And I can!" If there was one thing that bothered Bart the most, it was the way he was always overlooked. Granted, he could try harder at making a better impression, but he still insisted it was unfair.

Leon closed the door behind them and took a seat behind the desk. He rose an eyebrow at Bart, taking note of his posture--or lack thereof--as he slipped his journal out from the inside of his coat and opened it onto the desk, keeping eye contact with the kid. "I call everyone a kid," he assured, scribbling down Bart on the top of a blank journal page. Kids, he thought with a grunt. Whatever. "So, Bart, tell me a little about yourself."

Normally Bart might've made a face at that, but he wasn't totally rude, so he just nodded a bit. Alright, that was fair enough. Dangling his feet a bit, he tilted his head in thought. "About myself? Well...like what? Like what I like to do? Or do you wanna know my life story, 'cause there's a big chunk missing out of it that I can't tell you." He swung his feet around then, plopping them on the ground. "And also, are secret identities safe here? I don't have as big a problem as Clark does, but I'd get in trouble if I didn't ask."

"Did you lose your memories about your life? I just need to know your experiences, whether they be battle-based or just how you work with others." Leon looked up from jotting down a note on the page. "Yeah, all information is classified. The only people who see these records are myself and Selphie, the President of CPVC." He placed the pen on the desk, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms. Another secret identity, huh? If this kid was anything like Superman, he would be a welcome addition.

"I'm not sure what I lost exactly." Bart replied, scratching his head. "I just don't remember anything about my parents. Or my birthday. Or..yeah." he shrugged a bit, not really interested in piecing through that particular puzzle, as he was sure Leon wouldn't be too thrilled to do it either. "So experiences I can do. I'm a Teen Titan!" He studied the other for a minute, guessing that he wasn't from a world that even had the Titans in it. "We're a bunch of teenage superheroes, kinda like Superman." he grinned in a somewhat cocky fashion. "I'm Kid Flash, the fastest person alive! Any of my abilities have to do with that. It's impressive, I promise!"

Leon nodded respectively at the mention of his price, but appreciated not lulling on that subject. If he didn't remember, whatever, not much either of them could do. Teenage superheroes. Heh. His eyebrows raised at the kid's cocky grin, and he glanced down at the journal before speaking. "Being fast is nice and all," he stated, nodding. "But can you still see things just as clearly when going that fast? Or is everything a blur?" Zipping down the halls in a patrol would make things faster, but not if the kid wouldn't be able to catch anything in the process.

Bart raised a brow at Leon in a face that clearly read 'You're joking, right?' "Of course I can see. It'd be pretty stupid if I couldn't. We're talking near lightspeed here! It's like those movies where something is going so fast, that everything else goes slow-motion. That's the best way I can explain it. I can move myself through solid matter, too. I've probably been in your room, just to let you know." He spoke clearly enough, but easily went from disbelief to excitement to completely casual sentence to sentence, moving his hands once in a while to illustrate.

This time, Leon didn't resist the urge to touch his scar. He rubbed two fingers against it roughly before returning his attention to the kid sitting across from him. "Good to know," he said, but didn't specify to which part of Bart's words was 'good to know.' "So, Teen Titans? I imagine you guys must of dealt with a few 'bad guys', your friends must of gotten hurt every once in awhile. Experience based or theoretically speaking--do you ever find yourself acting out of revenge and emotion rather than your brain?"

That reaction only gave Bart a laugh and a grin, teetering back in his chair some. "Yep!" He looked serious then, reeling through images upon images of past battles. "I haven't been with the Titans long, but yeah, of course. We do what we have to, and we all get hurt, but we look after each other, too! Revenge, though?" he smirked a little bit, resting his fist against a cheek. "Before I was Kid Flash, I was 'Impulse'." Leon could probably assume why that was. "So I'm not gonna lie! I act without thinking a lot. When Deathstroke blew my knee out I was angry, but I kicked his butt cause he was messing with my team! And I wanted to prove that I wasn't a mess-up. Sob story, right? I call that emotion, not revenge. And I don't care what anyone says, it was a good thing."

Leon made a noise of thought, tapping the pen against his lips briefly. "Impulse, huh? So I guess it's safe to assume you're not the type of kid who knows how to sweet talk his way through situations?"

"Sweet talk?" Bart raised a brow. "Sweet talk as in, being nice to the girls? Cause I can do that. As for the other kind. If I do something that requires sucking up for something dumb I did, who needs it? When Raven gets mad at me, I just run, cause she can't catch me. No one can." Unfortunately, it was one of those things he was rather used to, but anything he got in trouble for was usually out of good intention.

Leon nodded again, jotting down a note in the margin of the entry. Patrol, he decided. Or transport/response with Rainbow Brite? "Finally, why do you want to join the committee?"

"That's easy." Bart smiled. "Crime is my life. First of all, apparently I was killed here. I don't remember it, but something should be done. And second of all, aside from the whole superhero gig, I'm gonna be in forensics someday! And yeah, THEN there's the superhero thing. I can't refuse anyone who needs my help! It's my job, and uh... my hobby, I guess, to go saving the day. Granted I'm not as popular as Superman, but it's cool! Totally like living in a video game. Dream come true, right?" Okay, he really didn't expect Leon to agree, but whatever.

"... Right," Leon uttered. "Well, I guess that's it." He stood from behind the desk. "I'll review your interview with the president and contact you in a few days."

"What? A few days?" Bart stood up too, scratching his head. Leon had to know a few days was like a lifetime to him. "Right, right. A few days. Don't forget though. I never forget." He grinned again then, finally offering his hand for a shake. "Thanks!"

"Neither do I," Leon said pointedly, looking at Bart flatly. He took the kid's hand and gave it a firm shake before letting go. "Thanks for coming, kid."

"That's Kid Flash, and I wouldn't'a missed it." He said with a smirk, dropping his hands to the side. "Later!" In Bart's place was a brief blur of red, and then nothing at all, as he was gone.

bart allen, leon

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