Who: Lana (
feather_frost) & Irvine (
What: random meeting
When: end o' The Pond Wars
Where: ...the pond.
Rating: PG?
Irvine smiled and whistled a little as he closed his eyes and leaned back against the tree. Today had really, really been a good day. Even including Kaiba's 100 year penalty, the rock, and Misa's penalties she'd laid on him, today had been pretty damn great. The pond wars were pretty much under wraps now, with the winning team celebrating like mad, the losing team having their varied reactions, and the ducks just waiting for life to begin returning to something that more resembled normal. Huh. That was a funny thought. Normal? In Paradisa?
The gunman contemplated getting up and going in. It was really starting to darken up, after all, and it would doubtlessly start cooling off now. His wet shirt, previously hanging in the tree, had somehow dampned again, his boots had water in them, and the bottom of his pants weren't looking promising either. Jeez. If a wind picked up, there'd be no way he'd avoid a cold! But even so, everything about the day just felt so nice, that Irvine stayed and relaxed.
'Just a little bit longer.' He promised himself.