[Log : Ino and Suki]

Mar 30, 2007 17:51

Who: Ino and Suki
What: Hanging out in Suki's room, talking about ... stuff.
Where: Suki's room.
When: Last night, before Yue arrived.
Rating: PG?

Ino hummed and walked down the hallway and up the stairs to get to Suki's room. She was really glad that Suki had offered to spend some time with her - Sakura was hardly around anymore and she needed something to distract herself from the things that were bothering her (*cough*Kaiba*cough*). Ino had also decided to bring a bag of popcorn for them to eat - the world she and Sokka came from didn't sound like it would have popcorn, if it didn't have movies or very much chocolate. She made her way to Suki's room and knocked on the door lightly. "Suki~? It's Ino!"

Suki had been doodling in her journal (another sign of her strangely unshakeable good mood) when she heard the knock at the door. With a grin, she jumped to her feet and strode over to answer it--and greeted Ino with wave. "Hey! I'm so glad you could come over!" She beckoned her inside, and inhaled deeply--what a nice smell! she looked at the bag in Ino's arms. "Mmm what's that?"

Ino grinned. "Thanks for inviting me." She held the bag out a little and pulled out a piece, holding it up for Suki to see. "It's popcorn! It's a kind of snack." She put the piece in her mouth. "It's really good." She sat down on the nearest chair and held the bag out so Suki could take some popcorn if she wanted it. "So ... what's up?"

Suki sat down on her bed, across from where Ino was sitting, and took a small handfull of the popcorn. "Thanks! It smells good..." she plucked a piece out of her palm, sniffed it, then placed it on her tongue. After chewing and swallowing, she laughed. "Yum! it's really good!" She ate a few more pieces, then answered Ino's question. "Nothing really--things have been quiet! How about with you?"

"Yeah, it's good stuff." Ino replied, eating a few more pieces herself. She sighed at Suki's question and ran her fingers through her bangs before answering. "I don't know that you wanna hear about it. Just stupid people pissing me off." The whole week had been like this, almost. It was getting old very, very fast. "Not to mention the other night I had so much going on it wasn't even funny. I passed out in my bed the moment I sat on it." She laughed quietly at that.

Suki took another handful to munch on as she listened to Ino lament. "I don't mind, really--you can tell me what's up. Until recently things had been kind of weird for me too. But it seems like you're always really busy, Ino!" Suki managed to stay pretty unbusy. Seriously.

"Huh, you think?" she asked, popping another piece of popcorn into her mouth. She let the butter melt off before chewing it up and answering slowly. "Well ... I guess the biggest problem's been this idiot, Kaiba. You know him?" It seemed like most people didn't know him, which was making it harder and harder for her to confirm the truth of what he had said. Well, implied. Whatever.

She shook her head, "Can't say I do...why? Has he been giving you trouble?" She had seen what Ino could do, and the thought that someone could be bothering her...well, it didn't bode well.

She took her free hand and rested her chin in it, her face taking on an annoyed look. "Well, he's this guy that I used to know ... I think this woman used some weird technique to make me forget about him. Anyways, he basically ... " she paused, wondering what Suki's reaction would be. "... Basically told me that we were dating before I forgot him and that I might have lost my virginity to him." There, it was all out. Her face was slightly red, though, and she wasn't making eye contact with Suki. The only other person she'd told this to was Axel, and even then it was hard to say.

Suki blinked in surprise. She hadn't expected this--but after she let it sink in a moment, a wave of sympathy passed through her. She knew what it was like to forget someone you dated--luckily for her it had been Sokka and well...she was pretty sure that they hadn't exactly...well, gone that far. Sokka was kind of slow. Instinctively, she reached out and put on a hand on Ino's forearm. "Did..well...do you still like him at all?" It had worked for her and Sokka?

Ino blinked. She hadn't even thought to ask herself that. To her, he was just another person ... that Shampoo must have erased her feelings as well as memories, if they were even there before. Besides, she had moved on -- if there was even anything to move on from. "No," she replied simply. "And I don't trust him, either. I don't know if he's lying or not." She had a sneaking suspicion that he was lying, but you could never be too sure. She could only hope that he was just messing with her and that nothing had really happened.

"You think he's lying? That's terrible! To lie about something like that." Boys. She shook her head angrily. "Guys can really be jerks. He's probably just jealous--you're pretty and you don't like him, so he wants to get even with you." It made sense in her head. Ino was really pretty--especially with her really strange gold hair. "I guess..I guess there's no way to check if he's lying or not though."

"It's terrible, but from what I've seen of him recently ... I wouldn't put it past him." she stated sadly. She agreed with Suki, though - it was possible that he was jealous and wanted to get even. "But ... whatever." Ino sighed. "He's still getting his ass kicked sooner or later, so that'll make me feel better." She grinned, not wanting to ruin the girl time with her issues. "Besides, I just went on a date the other night with someone else, so screw him." She made a peace sign with her fingers as she spoke.

She nodded with a frown to the first part of what Ino said..then giggled at the second. "A date? Really? With who?" Sure she was a warrior--but really, talking about dates could be fun! And it was certainly a rare opportunity.

Ino nodded, picking out another piece of popcorn. "You know Gatts, right? He made dinner, and then we went walking around and ... other stuff." She decided not to mention the whole 'let's-stalk-griffith-and-ruin-his-date' thing. " It was nice. Normally he's kind of an asshole." She laughed. Really, his attitude had been much different the other night than it was normally. She could still remember them fighting viciously over the journals awhile back. She put the popcorn in her mouth and chewed thoughtfully.

"Other things?" She blinked and blushed slightly, but decided not to press. "Gatts? I--I don't think I know him. Except...wait isn't he the guy who...murdered those people awhile ago?" Her eyes widened slightly.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, he is." She frowned. "He didn't mean to, though. And if you didn't see, he apologized for it a little while ago." She wondered what Suki thought she meant by 'other things'. Sure, she had just told her that she might not be a virgin anymore, but that didn't mean she would just fool around like that ... she decided to let it go. "Wait, I didn't tell you the whole thing about what hapened with that?" She could have sworn she had filled Suki in at some point. Maybe she had forgotten to? Whoops.

"Oh right he did appologize...and he was like possesed or something right? I think you mentioned it when you came to pick up Puck." She smiled slightly. "Well I'm glad you're moving on--and maybe this Gatts guy is really great? Is he cute?"

"Something like that," Ino replied, glad Suki wasn't pressing any further. She had a hard enough time understanding the circumstances herself, she wasn't sure she could explain it properly to anyone else. She paused, thinking about what to say to the questions Suki had asked. "Well ... I dunno. He's a lot older than me, so he's not really cute ... just normal-looking, I guess." As she said it, she found it kind of strange. Normally, she was only really attracted to guys who were very, well, attractive ... hm. "And as for being great .." She paused, laughing a little at that. "He can be a real pain sometimes, and he's always making fun of me ... but he can be a great person if he tries."

She smiled. "Yeah, I guess it's really not what a person looks like..but just how they make you feel. Hah, that sounds really corny..." she laughed and shook her head. "But you know what I mean. If Gatts makes you feel...good, then that's what matters I think." She sighed slightly. "But I'm not the best person for relationship advice. I told my friend Katara to follow her heart with this guy...who turned out to be a real jerk."

Feel good? Ino's face went a little red at that. She hadn't really thought about that at all ... She'd been too busy to think about anything much, really. She nodded n agreement, though, and took the opportunity to change the subject off of her. Her face was already heating up enough. "What guy is that?"

"Zuko. Prince Zuko I should say. He was an enemy back home but I thought he had changed..but it turns out he was just using us to get back in his horrible sister's good graces. The girl who broke my hand." She frowned. "Anyways, he's a real jerk. It seems like there are way too many jerks around here."

"Ugh, there really are!" She nodded in agreement. "Wow, that guy sounds like a douchebag. And he was just acting all along? Ugh." Really, some men could be just terrible people. And it seemed like all the people claiming to be royal around Paradisa were all pretty much assholes as well. "I swear, some people ... " Ino shook her head in disappointment.

Suki nodded, and laughed slightly--pleased to see Ino's reaction. It was good having a friend. "But not everyone is so bad! Like maybe this Gatts guy! And Sokka." She blushed slightly, but stayed smiling. It was still a little new to be so open about how she felt but..well it was nice too.

"Yeah, Sokka's not half bad. He's kind of an idiot sometimes, but he's tolerable." She grinned. Ino was enjoying talking like this, too - she hadn't really been able to talk with Sakura like this since before they became Genin, practically. "And yeah, there are some other nice people. It'd just be great if everyone was nice instead of having so many jerks around. One asshole can totally ruin your day sometimes, you know?" She grabbed another piece of popcorn out of the bag.

She laughed. "You're right--he can be a little dense sometimes. But he's got a good heart." She grinned, then nodded in agreement. "Yeah--I try to stay out of their way. I mean, the only jerks I really run into are those from my world. But there seem to plenty of them here. And some weirdos too--like that guy who wrote haiku the other day. and..well lots of people."

"Yes, it seems like every world's got its assholes and its freaks." She blew at her bangs, the subject itself making her a little eager to punch someone. "It's hard to avoid them when there's so many of them, but yeah, all you can do is try." There were enough nice people around that it was possible to avoid jerks, but you still never knew when one might pop up out of nowhere.

"Yeah..." It seemed like Ino knew a lot of the jerks here. She was much more forward than Suki was. "So what was your home like? Did you..date anybody back there?"

Ino blinked at the sudden change in topic. "My home's pretty boring. All I did was go on missions and sometimes run my parents' flower shop." She paused, trying to recall if she had dated anyone. ".. Not really," she said finally. "We were kinda busy to be doing that, you know? I remember liking some guys a lot, but ... I dunno. We became ninja before we were really old enough to understand the whole dating concept fully, you know?" Ino sighed, half glad that she didn't have to go on missions here and half sad that because of that there was a little too much free time for her liking sometimes. "How about you? Date anyone else besides Sokka?" She grinned.

"I understand that...I came from a kind of quiet place." She thought back to Kyoshi island whistfully--she really missed it...but a part of her was glad to be having a new adventure. Ever since meeting the avatar, she had been wanting to have great adventures. And now here she was--and it was not all that exciting. "Well, when I became a Kyoshi warrior I didn't have a lot of time for dating. I know some of the girls looked up to me...as more than a leader. And well, I had been on a couple of dates with guys before but..really? Sokka is the first person I've ever...well, really liked. that way." She blushed.

Ino laughed lightly at Suki's blush. "We're kind of alike, then, huh? The rest of my team is guys, though, so I guess that's different." She paused, smiling. "That's so cute. You two are, I mean."

"Yeah I guess we are. All guys, huh? What were they like?" She blushed a bit more at Ino's comment, and shook her head with a laugh. "I'm glad you think so--I don't know, I think we must be kind of annoying! At least, I know my friends back home would have teased me about it..."

"Only two of them, plus my sensei. We work in four-person units. The other two people my age on my team were Chouji - the fat one that eats all the time - and Shikamaru - the lazy one who's actually really smart." She snorted. Despite the fact that they both had some rather unattractive qualities she still kind of missed them. "As for being teased ... I think that happens to most couples."

She giggled at Ino's description of her team. "But having boys on your team must have been nice too--working with all girls is usually great but...well, occasionally things would get out of hand." She leaned in to mock whisper. "And sometimes? Girls get sooooo bitchy!" She grinned and leaned back. "Ah yeah...I guess you're right. And the teasing wouldn't bother me...I'm really lucky to have Sokka. He's a great guy. I feel safe with him..."

"Yeah, it can be nice sometimes, but ... other times, men can be denser than rocks." She leaned in as well, grinning. "And that's good to know. You shouldn't let that kind of thing interfere with your love life if you're happy with it." She nodded at the last part. "Shikamaru - the guy from my team - he's a lot like Sokka, so I see where you're coming from."

"Shikamaru? Is he here?" She smiled. "If he's like Sokka, I'd like to meet him...I think." On second thought, maybe one Sokka was enough.

"He was," she said, looking down at the floor. "He somehow got out of here after a little while. I don't know how he did it, but he's nowhere in this world." She paused. "Somewhat wish he had taken me with him," she added quietly. ".... But yeah, I think you'd like him. Maybe he'll come back?" she said, smiling hopefully.

"He figured out how to leave?! That's amazing" She remembered that Toph, too had vanished and with a sudden feeling of apprehension hoped that they had indeed made it back to their home worlds. She saw the hopeful look on Ino's face though, and it made her wonder what she would think if Sokka disappeared. Would she want him to come back? Yes...she would. no matter how selfish he was. "I..I hope he does. Come back."

"He is a genius. I think. At least, that's what the tests Asuma-sensei did on him said." She pondered the last part. As much as she would like for her team to be here, it would be kind of mean for her to wish they would appear in a place like Paradisa. "If he does come back, then maybe he'll remember how to get out of here and he can help everyone," Ino added.

"Now that would be amazing!" Despite everything, Suki held on to the kind of crazy hope that she and her friends would make it back to their own world in time to save it from the tyranny of the fire nation. She had never considered the possibility of someone coming back!

Ino nodded. "Yeah, I wouldn't mind this place so much if I could control when I came here and when I went home, you know? I kinda miss my family and all that." SHe liked it here and all, but it wasn't home.

"Yeah, this place wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't...trapping us here. And I miss my family too--my friends and my people. I guess I'm pretty lucky to have friends who are here."

"I have friends who are here ... but they're either really quiet recently or they're being assholes. " She shrugged. "Oh well. I've made some new friends here, so it's not too bad. It could be worse and everybody hated me, right?" She grinned. Of course there was a positive side to this, even if it did pretty much suck sometimes.

"It seems weird that someone would hate you! You're really nice." She smiled slightly and reached for some more popcorn. It was kind of cold, but still delicious. She grinned. "And you seem good at making friends."

"Huh, you think so?" she asked, a little surprised. She gathered her ponytail together and pushed the whole thing over her shoulder, moving it out of her way. "I just talk to people, and they talk back."

"I guess...but well, you're pretty assertive. It's a good trait--a lot of girls are really shy." Suki wasn't shy, per say. Lately, she had just been distracted. But Ino was obviously not shy...and it was something Suki definitely liked--especially in girls.

"You don't get anything done when you're shy." she said, waving her hand dismissively. "I mean, there's this girl I know, Hinata ... she can never get across what she actually wants to do'cause she's too afraid to speak up."

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah--being a woman can be tough. Men don't always respect you and they think you're weak--you have to speak your mind and be assertive. Otherwise they walk all over you." She rolled her eyes

"Yeah, especially for that reason. Some men think they can get away with anything just because they're men, you know? So annoying." She huffed a little at that. That kind of thing had happened several times in Paradisa already, there were men who thought that women were lowly just because they were women. "But hey, if you can kick their ass, then the look on their faces is so funny!"

"Yeah men can be real assholes..and alot of them think they're better than us..but you're right--it's totally worth it to see the look on their faces when you beat them up!" She grinned, and giggled slightly.

Ino laughed along with Suki. "It seems like a lot of the places people around here come from places where women are kinda low on the status pyramid or whatever." She rolled her eyes. "I feel sorry for the women where they come from."

Suki nodded in agreement. "Yeah I think some of the places in my world were pretty stupid about women too. But..the girls I've met have been anything but fragile!" She grinned.

"Heh, yeah." Ino smiled. "I guess we girls just have to prove we're not as weak as everyone thinks we are, huh?" She mockingly flexed her arm.

She laughed. "Yeah! I guess that's what we have to work to do"She yawned suddenly, and placed a hand to her mouth. "Man..it's getting kind of late!"

Ino blinked and glanced over at the window. "Wow, yeah, it is!" She rubbed her eyes and stood up. "Heh, now that you mention it I do feel kinda tired. I should probably be off to get to bed."

Suki stood as well. "Well thanks for coming! I had a really fun time hanging out and talking." She laughed. "It's nice to just..relax occasionally, you know?" On impulse, she leaned in and gave Ino a quick hug. "Night! See you soon I hope!"

Ino returned the hug and waved. "Yeah, we definitely need to do this more often!" She opened the door and stepped out. "Oh, hey, before I go - are you going to that thing on Saturday?"

She paused in the doorway, returning Ino's wave and watching her leave "Thing on Saturday?"

"Yeah, you know how there's that whole war over the pond going on?" She grinned mischievously, her thoughts floating over to how her team was going to win. "Looks like a lot of people are going, I think."

"Oh?" She laughed at Ino's expression. "That's right--you're on one of the teams--sure I'll go, and I'll cheer you on!" She grinned and gave her a thumbs up.

Ino clapped her hands together. "Awesome! I'll see you there. Our team's going to totally kick ass!" She waved again. "Sleep well!" And off she went down the hallway.

suki, yamanaka ino

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