Through Door #2

Mar 26, 2007 22:11

Who: Sora (chosen_heart, Ravi (bookmansjunior) and an akuma 8D~
What: Duo #2 steps through Rhode's door and into trouble.
When: After 9:00 on Monday
Where: Rhode's space/dimension.
Rating: PG-13 - R for violence.

The fact space could be found to move around the room was a mystery and a blessing unto itself.

Books, desks, couches, chairs, pillows, plants, lamps, tables, cooking utensils, plush animals in various positions… the list could go on and on. Such a clutter was no surprise really, especially for her. After all, she needed reference for her drawings, and she found it easier to draw when surrounded by many, many things.

With a bored sigh, the akuma focused her attention on the drawing pad of an arm she possessed, frowning softly at the picture sketched. She pressed her back against a pillow cushion (it dwarfed such a small body) and complained in a fit. Wrong, all wrong! Not at all the artistic masterpiece she wanted to convey. Hmph. And Mistress Rhode’s friends had yet to arrive.

She tossed a glance high above her at the clock hanging. No, so far the minute hand had yet to move. They were late. Oh well, more time for drawing, she supposed. Proudly she looked up again. On every wall, painting upon painting hung proudly, depicting beasts of horror unable to be imagined, warriors roaring their last war cry after being stabbed through the heart, and a story in every frame. The akuma almost giggled at her work. Miss Rhode had asked specifically for such pictures.

It was then the clock began to tick, and she startled to an upright position before dodging behind a book. Well, at least the fun would start soon.

akuma, ravi, sora

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