Log: Watanuki and Renamon

Mar 25, 2007 16:14

Who: Watanuki Kimihiro (blueeyedprophet), Renamon (wisteriapunch)
What: Watanuki brings tea up to Renamon as a show of friendship
When: After Renamon arrives in Paradisa
Where: Starts briefly in Watanuki's room, then ends in Renamon's (hopefully)
Rating: G (seriously, how am I suppose to make it any higher?!)

Where Watanuki remembers that not everyone in the castle had to be human. )

kimihiro watanuki, renamon

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wisteriapunch March 26 2007, 11:30:08 UTC
This human boy was a strange one. He wasn't the kind of human Renamon was used to, and that came as a surprise. She hadn't been prepared for him to ask if she wanted anything, and had reponded warily.

Renamon easily heard him walk up to her door. He wasn't quite as noisy as other humans, but he made enough noise for her to hear him outside her door. The Digimon rose from the bed she had been sitting on to cross to the door.

"Watanuki Kimihiro," she stated rather than asked, guessing that since no one else had planned on coming, he would be the only one at her door. She stood tall above him, and had to look down at him.


blueeyedprophet March 26 2007, 22:57:55 UTC
While Watanuki had seen many different and rather strange sights, he still found it slightly shocking to see the sight of such a tall fox! And the sense of nobility?

"Un, and it's Renamon right? Nice to meet you! Uh, may I come in?"

This was their first meeting, and it was rude to just barge into someone's room. Somehow though, Watanuki felt as if he had met another person like the fox, only...


wisteriapunch March 26 2007, 23:31:40 UTC
As it was not her castle, Renamon felt as though she had taken control of this room herself. She felt as though she ought to ask someone about it first, but who was there to ask? She stepped to the side to allow him entrance, and after he walked inside, she closed the door.

"It is kind of you to bring tea to my room instead of asking me to come to you," she sincerely told him. It saved her some energy. "It isn't often that I ask such a thing of others. I prefer doing things myself."


blueeyedprophet March 26 2007, 23:41:30 UTC
"Ari?" Watanuki looked up from where he had stooped over the place the tray on a table.

"It's nothing. I don't mind, really..." the Japanese boy replied honestly as he poured tea out for both of them. "Uh, do you mind me staying here with you for a bit? Or would you prefer to enjoy your tea alone?"

[ooc: I don't know if you're aware, but Watanuki still has Doumeki's right eye, and I'm pretty sure Renamon would be one of the people who could see it. ;D]


wisteriapunch March 27 2007, 11:21:55 UTC
In a closed environment with this one human boy, Renamon found him to be easier to talk to than Ruki. She wondered if maybe he wanted her to talk to him. "No, you may stay..."

Her gaze fell on the strangest thing she had seen happen to a human. "Your eye," she began, still looking at it. "Is that normal in the world that you come from? I have yet to find a human with such an eye... But the humans I have encountered have been adults or young children."


blueeyedprophet March 27 2007, 19:48:13 UTC

Watanuki looked up from the tea. His eye?

"No, it's not normal for people to have eyes like this..." Watanuki covered his right eye shyly. Truth be told, he honestly could not remember how his eye came to be yellow when his normal eye colour was blue.

"Here, some tea. I also brought some snacks, just in case."


wisteriapunch March 28 2007, 00:16:43 UTC
The first thought the Digimon had was that the eye was some beginning to a human evolution. As if a human could evolve into a Digimon! Still, Renamon amused herself by thinking about it, and would have taken a look had it not been rude.

"Thank you," she said to him before taking the tea. "Again, you are kind for bringing this to me."


blueeyedprophet March 28 2007, 00:18:50 UTC
Watanuki smiled.

"It's fine. I told I don't mind. Ano..." Watanuki brought his hand away from his eye before asking with honest curiousity.

"Would you tell me about the world you're from?"


wisteriapunch March 28 2007, 00:28:25 UTC
"The Digital World." Not once did Renamon take her eyes away from Watanuki as she explained the home she had before she fell into the human world.

"It is a world of digital monsters like myself. It is a human creation that grew to be larger than anyone thought before, and has many dangerous creatures." In reaction to her thoughts of the Digimon in the world, the pupils in her eyes shrunk some. "You may think of any animal or plant and there will be a Digimon living in the Digital World that resembles that plant or animal."


blueeyedprophet March 28 2007, 00:34:49 UTC
"Something about the world upsets you, doesn't it?"

Watanuki didn't find it all that surprising that these beings in Renamon's world would take various forms. After all, spirits do the same thing.


wisteriapunch March 28 2007, 00:52:38 UTC
"Upsets me?" Renamon was surprised. This was quickly becoming personal. She was talking to a human, though.

"I am not upset," she began, "But uncomfortable. There is a girl that I left in Japan, Ruki, who needs me to protect her." Her head tilted slightly to the right. "Her hair is darker than yours, and she is quieter, more sarcastic."


blueeyedprophet March 28 2007, 00:56:44 UTC
"Ah, I see."

Watanuki sipped his tea quietly. There was someone like that for him... Someone who was there to protect him, but who was it?

"Ow." Watanuki's hand shot up to hold his head. The headaches from trying to remember and the high-strung emotions around the castle still hurt. But being in Renamon's room was almost soothing. Must be because she was so calm.


wisteriapunch March 28 2007, 01:01:12 UTC
The tea Renamon had been holding found itself on a nearby table that the fox Digimon had come to like. She left it to put her hand on his head and tilt it up so that she could see directly into his face.

"Is it your eye that causes the pain?" she asked as she looked at the yellow of his eye. It was too different for a human, too...primal, and he should not have had an eye that color. "It may be the cause. This cannot be natural."


blueeyedprophet March 28 2007, 01:12:36 UTC
Watanuki was surprised, to say the least.

"Ah, no. It happens alot, but I'm pretty sure it's not my eye." The teen could not help the feeling of sadness.

"Since you've told me a bit about yourself, I guess I should share some of my history, ne? You'll be the first in this castle to know." Watanuki gently removed Renamon's hand (paw?).

"I was born with the ability to see and feel the spirit world. Mostly though, I got chased by spirits. No one could see them, so I didn't have many friends. Ah... People's emotions also affect me it seems. Mostly it's just headaches or a suffocating feeling, but it's not bad. Really." Through the whole confession, Watanuki had a melancholy expression on his face. "I feel as if there should be more... But I don't remember."

"Hahaha, you must think I'm being silly. But I am April's fool." Watanuki laughed.


wisteriapunch March 28 2007, 01:58:16 UTC
"April's fool? I do not understand." Renamon knew that April was the fourth month in the human calendar, but she did not know about being a fool of a month. "Are you a fool born in April? Are you somehow related to the month of April?"


blueeyedprophet March 28 2007, 02:55:57 UTC
The teen simply couldn't help but laugh.

"No to the first question, but yes, I was born on April the first, it's my name too. Watanuki. It's written with the characters for April fool's so..." Watanuki smiled. "Someone used to tease me about it too."


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