Log: Euphemia and Leon

Mar 25, 2007 16:44

Who: Euphie and Leona
What: Euphemia brings Leon coffee and food and Leon teaches her first aid in thanks.
When: After this post.
Where: Leon's room; 1512.
Rating: G.

Euphemia summoned the ghosts and had a tray of coffee and snacks brought up to her room. She didn't think Leon would eat something heavier, he was probably too absorbed in work. She sighed, he should get a break but it was really nice of him to be teaching her something useful now. It was good to feel useful.

She couldn't remember feeling useful. Keeping the tray behind her, held by one of the invisible servants, she knocked on Leon's door.

Leon had taken the time to at least attempt in tidying up the room. Where Committee notes had littered the floor, they were all now piled onto his desk in some semblance of neatness, some doodles of possible CPVC symbols on the very top. He hadn't had much time to work on that exclusively, between searching for Cloud and working on other things. Leon felt a little strained, spreading himself too much... everywhere, pretty much.

Euphemia was a nice girl, though, and she gave him somewhat of a break. He was in the midst of tearing up some extra sheets and rolling them up as triangular and rectangular bandages when he glanced at his journal. The sounds of knocking were transcribed, so he threw the sheet he was working on ripping over his shoulder and opened the door.

He gave a nod to the pink-haired girl on the other side, eyes locking onto the tray of coffee and some food. His stomach growled--not that he heard it, but felt it--and he rubbed the back of his neck before stepping to the side to let her (and the tray) in.


"Hey, Leon." She greeted cheerfully and signaled the ghost with the tray to place it on the side careful not to disturb any bits of paper as the tray was set down. Once it was down, Euphemia  spoke up, "Thank you-" to the air, she never knew if those ghosts heard them but… well it never hurt to be polite.

Turning to Leon she watched him, "I… just got you a few snacks since I don't know what you like."

Leon took a mug of coffee in one hand and a cut of celery--avoiding the sugary foods on the tray like the plague--in the other, biting into the latter then drinking from the former before speaking. "Thanks."

He finished off the celery, putting the mug back on the tray before returning to the torn sheets. "I'm going to teach you how to splint broken bones." He glanced at her. "That alright?"

Ah, nothing sweet for him ever then.

Euphemia considered commenting on his workaholic habits but then decided against it. This was important and so she would do her best to learn. Giving a nod she followed him into the room moving towards the torn sheets. "Of course, anything is good." She was just glad to be of use.

Leon nodded to her, laying out the strips of sheets on the floor next to a rolled up towel and a thick stack of paper bound together. "There are three types of splints. Soft," he pointed to the towel, "hard," the paper, "and anatomical." He gestured for her to have a seat on the ground, gathering the stack of paper and two strips of sheets.

"I'll teach you how to splint the arm, first." He ran a finger from his elbow to his wrist.

"This part of the arm is the most common break."

Euphemia nodded at his explanations and then sat down on the ground, skirt pooling around her messily, she smiled up at him though and observed his explanations. Right, soft, hard and anatomical. She could remember all this. Euphemia reached over to tap her elbow and then the wrist. "Got it." she beamed.

Leon's lips twitched at her, then took a seat in front of her. "Hold your arm out like this." He bent his elbow, holding his arm against his chest and keeping his wrist lax. "I'll splint your arm, then you can splint mine." Once she had it in the correct position, he wrapped the stack of paper around the underside of her arm, then took one of the torn strips and tied it around the area of the wrist, around the paper, another strip tied an inch from the elbow. "This supports the bone, keeping it from causing more damage when moved."

Euphemia held out her arm still, watching Leon splint her arm. "Oh." she seemed rather delighted at this teachings, it was something she'd never learned about before and it was useful. The paper tickled a bit and she moved a little but otherwise tried to stay still and pay attention. Once it was done she lifted her arm to examine it. "Oh, wow."

Leon made a soft noise of amusement in the back of his throat, then leaned back to grab the triangular bandage he had made from the sheets. He gently guided Euphemia's arm to rest once again against her chest.

"This is an anatomical splint," he said, sliding one corner of the bandage under her elbow, the other around her side, and the final around her neck. "It binds the injured area to another part of the body, which gives extra support."

Leon leaned forward a bit, tying the corner that had come around her side to the one around her neck, then sat back, nodding as the arm was supported by the cradle created by the bandage. "That should do it."

Euphemia remained still as he showed her, she tilted her head and used her free hand to remove her hair out of the way as Leon tied the corner around her neck and then yes. He sat back and then Euphemia tried moving her arm. Secure. "Oh! I get it." Now the arm was not only set but also protected when moving, right? This was really something totally new. "Uhm... it looks a bit complicated but I will do my best."

Leon studied her lips as she spoke, then nodded. "It gets easier with practice," he reassured, untying the knot at her neck and placing it in the crook of his arm as he set on taking off the paper splint. "And, you can teach the other volunteers."

She was going to need lots and lots of practice for this... she smiled shyly and nodded, moving so he undid the knots and freed her arm. Euphemia sat up moving closer and took Leon's arm, a look of concentration on her face as she tried to recall all the steps given to her now. She adjusted his arm on the paper splint- the angle he had put it in she had not liked- and began tying it one at the wrist one up. And then glanced up for confirmation at Leon. "Good so far?"

Leon looked at his arm, then adjusted the splint so that he wasn't covering his elbow and was supporting his wrist more. "The elbow will be supported by the triangular bandage, so you want to focus on the wrist more. That part is more apt to move. But, good." He looked to her and nodded his approval. Fast learner, he liked that.

Euphie nodded happy with the comments received, she looked down at Leon's arm a bit more, trying to remember how he had done it exactly on her. Well... she could always try again, right? Now came the harder part she thought. She was not sure what he had done with the triangle bandage tie around her neck. But well... she shifted a little as she began trying that. it didn't work so well though and she somehow ended up with half an arm out and a rather uncomfortable knot around Leon's neck. "Ara..."

Leon grimaced, tugging the knot free with his other hand. "Here, I'll show you." He gave one corner to her, guiding her hand to place it under his elbow, doing the same with the one that went around his side. The corner that remained hung down from his arm, which he gestured to with a dip of his head. "Put that one around my neck and pull the one around my side up to it."

Euphie did another "oo" gesture and followed Leon's instructions this time, "Ah... wait-" she looked rather comically serious for a moment as she  undid the bandage again entirely and tried again to do it properly. All by herself. She pressed her hand under his elbow adjusting it there and then looped the right corners around Leon's neck, tying it. It was clearly unsteady and far from perfect but... "Hmm.."

Leon blew his bangs out of his eyes as he looked down at his arm. Could use some work, definitely, but the girl did fine for her first time. Plus, she had a sheltered life, so Leon gave her some slack. "Pretty good," he grunted out. "You'd want to tighten the tie around the neck to make it steadier."

Euphie sat back down, pressing her hands together and smiling, "I was scared of choking you Leon." she giggled a little, clearly pleased by his complement, she was glad he thought it was pretty good. She'd never done anything useful like this in all her life, so the sooner she could learn, the better!

Leon's lips twitched for the second time. "That would be a problem," he agreed, pulling out the tie and rolling his shoulder a bit. He then undid the splint around his arm, afterwards handing her all the materials used. "Here. Maybe you can practice on your knight." He shifted where he sat, then gestured to her legs. "You can apply the same technique there, too. Soft splints mold better to the ankles and knees, or you could anatomically bind them with one leg tied to the other."

Euphemia took the materials in her hands and nodded at his instructions. She was paying attention to her things but... "Ah, I'll practice a lot until I get it right, promise." and she would practice on Suzaku when she got the chance. Knight, she blushed a little, how did that happen? She didn't remember... not that she wouldn't make him... but...

"Leon, you sure you're alright?"

Leon blinked a bit at her in surprise, standing from the floor and offering her a hand. He didn't respond at first, instead padding over to the tray to fetch his coffee and a few more pieces of vegetables. Was he alright? It was something he hadn't really had time to think about, but he knew his apathy had started to come back. That was usually the consequence of not being around others for too long.

After a moment, he nodded. "Yeah. How about you?"

Euphie allowed him to help her up and muttered a soft thank you, but she didn't smile. Yet, she was watching him. "Well,  you seem kind of worried about something." Euphemia shook her head, she had her own worries but it was nothing serious. Not yet. "Ah... just let me know if you need anything other than coffee."

There was a double meaning in that last sentence that he could appreciate. Heh, coffee and a shrink, maybe? He studied her face just as she studied his, and nodded. "I will."

Euphemia was all smiles again and she bowed her head politely, holding the materials to practice in her arms. "Thank you, Leon." she didn't want to intrude on him more than necessary, "I'll leave you to your coffee."

Leon quirked an eyebrow briefly, but didn't comment. "Sure," he grunted. "I'll see you to the door." He parted with his dear coffee and food to walk over to the door, holding it open for her.

She paused looking as if she wanted to ask about something. Sephiroth. But she didn't instead choosing to shake her head and smile again. "Thank you for the lesson. Next time I'll see you I'll try and get it perfect!"

"That would be good," Leon agreed with a dip of his head. He waited until she was at the door before speaking once more. "And, if you need anything other than first aid that your knight can't handle or whatever..." He trailed off and shrugged, figuring his point got across anyway.

Euphemia turned back to him, surprised by his offer but then she gave a nod and bowed her head, "Yes, thank you. And that goes for you as well." she clung to the materials in her arms a little tighter. "See you later, Leon." and with that she headed down the corridor, humming cheerfully to herself as she went along.

euphemia li britannia, leon

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