Arriving On Scene Confused As Ever [Speed, Ruby]

Mar 24, 2007 01:20

Who: Speed, Ruby.
What: He arrives.
When: Evening.
Where: Anywhere because I have no idea where's what and whatnot. Say a random hall.
Rating: PG.

Speed woke up and shook his head clear. For a moment he had the odd sensation that he had been shot again--that his sudden loss of consciousness and mysterious regaining of consciousness was due to some awful event he couldn't quite remember. The feeling quickly faded, but left him deeply disturbed nonetheless.

He glanced around at his new, strange surroundings and then looked down at himself. Well, he was still wearing the same clothes he'd put on this morning--a disheveled black dress shirt, black slacks, and (black, of course) dress boots--so at least he knew he wasn't at the hospital. Plus he didn't seen any bullets holes anywhere, so that was a definite good sign. His badge and gun were in place. His sunglasses barely peeked out of his pocket. His keys and other personal effects were where they should be. So, besides being in some random new place, what was wrong?

The fact that he couldn't remember how he got here, for starters. The last thing he remembered... after talking to the damn psychiatrist for the last time since being shot... was starting a new case after having solved the officer's death involved one. He had just arrived on the scene when suddenly he blacked out... and woke up here.

Glancing around again, Speed stood with a frown on his face. He definitely didn't recognize this place. Frustrated and annoyed, the CSI started walking down the hallway, looking for a way out or someone to tell him where he was or anything else that would explain what the hell just happened to him.

tim speedle, ruby

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