(no subject)

Mar 21, 2007 02:56

Who: Sansa, Vivi, the Hound (Sandor), Sue
What: Intially, Vivi calming Sansa's fears. Then, Vivi and Sue protecting Sansa from the Hound.
When: After Sansa's freak-out post
Where: Sansa's room
Rating: PG-13? For violence and drunken behavior.

Sandor/the Hound

Vivi couldn't help but bounce a little out of nervousness outside Sansa's door. It wasn't like this was another giant dragon to fight, or giant snake, or giant killer-what-have-you. But... it was strange, meeting someone you haven't seen face to face. It was almost like sending a Mognet to someone you've never met. Who knew if she was really there? But... it wasn't like he was about to let Sansa worry herself to death, whether she was hypothetical or not. He took in a deep breath and knocked on the door. It can't be worse than Atomos...

She rushed to the door, all nervous energy and anxiety. Her usually lovely hair was in rumpled disarray, and her eyes wide and darting. When she first saw Vivi in the doorway, she gasped, and her hands fluttered up to her face, briefly covering her mouth. She managed to compose herself slightly, and responded to his presence with a shakey, "Ser...Vivi?"

Vivi squeaked, nearly falling backwards, but caught his balance after flailing his arms like a lame duck. Okay, maybe meeting here was as bad as Atomos. Stil, he could see that yes, she was a girl, and she had the wide eyes of someone who was scared to death. "Well," he said, trying to keep his voice light and calm, "I don't know about Sir, but Vivi's my name." He grabbed the brim of his hat and jammed it more firmly on his head, suddenly extremely glad that no one could see his face. He was embarrassed by the shock in hers.

Where were her manners? She took a steadying breath, and chided herself inwardly for her intial shock--she was no longer a child, but almost a woman grown! Besides, she had seen small men before--and they weren't quite as terrifying as burnt men. "P-please come in..." she stepped aside as gracefully as possible, and allowed her guest entry into her room, before shutting the door quickly behind her with tangible relief. She didn't want to risk him seeing her..."Th-thank you. for coming.."

He looked up, then immediately back down again, then immediately forward. He couldn't be insecure at a time like this. Besides, no one here except Eiko and Kuja knew about the Black Mages. Sure, he didn't look like a normal human, but at least he wouldn't be mistaken for a monster when talking dragons were an everyday thing here. He said, "Oh, don't worry about it," and walked into her room. He took this chance to look at Sansa a little more closely. Funny, she talked just like Garnet did before she started being Dagger, so maybe he should've noticed... "You don't look a lot older than me." Vivi immediately groaned in his head. He didn't mean to say that out loud.

Something about him brought a smile to her face--when she had first seen him, the Imp had come to her mind. But Vivi was nothing like the Imp, she could already tell--for one, he wasn't a Lannister. And that was a good thing. She gave him a weak smile, and brushed a messy strand of hair from her face. "I...I'm fourteen my lord." She didn't catch herself until it was too late, and offered a small, apologetic smile. "I mean..Vivi."

"Fourteen? Wow, that makes me three years younger..." Vivi laughed a little. "But... you really started to scare me earlier." He walked over to her journal and, taking it down, started to reread the new member's message. "It looks like you're really scared. Is this guy... dangerous?"

So he was eleven? Why..that was just over Bran's age! a smile flickered briefly across her face--perhaps that's why she felt at ease with him. But the smile died quickly--Bran was not here, and she would probably never see him again. But the Hound. He was here. And he was..."Yes. He's incredibly dangerous. He...he is most skilled with a sword and..." She paused, and placed a hand carefully to her throat as if speaking was too difficult. When she finally continued, it was in a whisper. "I'm afraid he's come...to find me...and...bring me back..." at her final words, her voice broke.

"You... wait, what?" Guys with swords were fine. He had seen... well, he'd been with men with swords more often than not in the past few years. But... "You don't want to go back? If this guy scares you so much, I don't blame you if you don't want to go back with him, but..." Ooooh, no. He'd seen girls like this... she was going to cry. Vivi put the journal down and took Sansa by the hand, pulling her into a chair. He sat on the bed. "Don't cry, okay? It's... going to be fine. There are tons of good guys here, much more than that one guy. They'd help you."

She let herself be led to the chair, sniffing slightly to prevent the onslaught of tears that threatened. "I...I never want to go back. Not to King's Landing...not to.." She stopped, and grew suddenly serious. "I...shouldn't be talking about this. It's dangerous to talk about this, especially if the Hound is here...What if Joffrey..." She shivered. "Good guys? Do you mean...like knights?"

"What?" Vivi blinked, but then... oh. He looked the journal in his hand. "This is probably... I'll put this somewhere." He slipped off the bed and stuffed the journal under the mattress. "Good. Now it can't hear us." Vivi tilted his head. "Joffrey? He's your... your fiancee, right? Are you worried about him? And good guys... are good people. Knights can be good guys, but I know some that are bad guys. And there are plenty of people who aren't knights that can help keep you safe."

She blinked, in surprise. "Why..yes. Yes he's my fiancee." She couldn't stop the look of loathing that overcame her usually gentle features. "I...I hate him." It was risky, being this honest with someone she hardly knew. But Sansa wasn't exactly known for her discretion. For some reason, she had decided she could trust Vivi--for better or worse. Perhaps because he seemed so young, so kind--it had been too long since she had been around another child, at least, another child who wasn't cruel and viscious. "I...I guess you're right. I know some knights who are..bad. They were not true knights." Her face darkened and she instinctively clutched a hand to her belly--the faces of Ser Boros and Ser Meryn swam before her eyes. They had never even hesitate to beat her--the only one of the kingsguard who hadn't beaten her...well, he was certainly no knight. "Vivi...please promise me, promise me you will never tell anyone what I just said..."

Well, that was scary. The look that went over her face... Vivi had only seen a few people like that. That look was usually followed by very bad things happening. "But... in your journals, you kept saying that... that you were looking for him." He couldn't help but stop himself there. Who was this girl? Why did she seem so different when there weren't other people around? Somehow, that scared him. And he saw that motion of the arm, so out of place in a memory of bad knights... if he didn't think too much about it, anyway. "I won't, I promise. But can I ask why you can't say it? Why don't you just... run?" Well, it had done a lot for Garnet, so...

"In the journals...I was afraid someone would see. I must. I must pretend to love him, if I don't he might kill me. He killed my father." If not Joffrey, his mother. She kept her hand curled across her stomach almost as if in defense. "There was no way to run from the Red Keep--I was guarded every day. You see, I was not only the King's fiancee but a valuable hostage. My brother...My brother is at war with the King." She paused, and closed her eyes for a moment. It hurt to think about Robb. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Besides...I was too scared to run. Scared they would kill me, like they killed my lord father." She opened her eyes, and for an instant looked all of the fourteen year old girl that she was. "And I...I didn't know the way back to Winterfell. I..still don't know the way back."

"I'm sorry. Your father..." Vivi leaned back, suddenly thinking hard. "Wait, Joffery wanted him killed? But, wasn't there a king? Didn't he have something to say about it?" Vivi's head spun. Garnet and Steiner sometimes told stories about the court, but none of them ever turned out to be simple or happy. I guess all royalty's like that. He thought for a second more, then he said, "Well, you were very brave to stay, too." Vivi looked at Sansa, suddenly feeling very young. Not that he hadn't been through a lot, but she seemed to be constantly scared of being caught by something. "It must've felt like running from a dragon every day. Not a lot of people can do that."

She smiled bitterly. "Joffrey is the king. And the king does as he pleases." She had been unable to look away that day, and watched her father's face as the monster Payne had beheaded him with his own Greatsword. She had watched as the blood poured from his neck, and his head rolled across the ground. And Joffrey? Joffrey had laughed. "I am not brave." It came out more forcefuly than she meant it--afterall, Vivi couldn't know that..that Sansa's own hand's were stained with her father's blood. If she hadn't gone to Cersi..she shook her head slightly, and offered a smaller, more gentle smile. "Dragons?" She laughed. "The dragons died with Targaryens."

"Dragons... oooh." Vivi laughed again. "They used be alive on my world, too. I don't think they'll be coming back, though."

She laughed. "My little sister thought she had found dragon skeletons under the Red Keep. But father said her imagination was just too wild..." She stopped laughing with a slight sigh. Arya. It was too painful thinking about her too.

The Hound had lost count of the doors. It seemed the castle had no bottom, that he would just keep descending until he really did find his way into hell. However, it didn't matter how many doors to which put his ear. He wouldn't stop, couldn't stop until he heard that song--convincing himself he wasn't dreaming it after all.

Vivi stopped laughing briefly, but said lightly, "Your little sister? She sounds like fun. Tell me about... your old home. Before the Red Keep."

Her face fell. Her old home...she lowered her head and shook it slightly, hair spilling in a curtain around her face. She spoke softly. "For some reason..since I've been here I haven't been able to..to recall Winterfell. That was my home. Before the Red Keep."

Finally, he heard it. This one, a song of mourning. His face contorted into a horrible half-smile; the left side grinned and twitched, while the left remained still, and sad. He lifted his arm, strangely heavy though infused with a monstrous strength, and brought it crashing on her door.

"... Really? But... it sounds like you had a good sister and father, at least. A nice family-" Crash. Vivi fell off the bed gracelessly, but quickly stood, mind racing. "Sansa - do you think-"

"Little bird~ it's time to come out of your cage."

She jumped up, and clapped a hand to her mouth with a muffled shriek. It couldn't...it...She raced to where Vivi now stood. "He...oh no...he must have come to take me back..." The panic set her voice rising.

Vivi reached up and grabbed her hand. He honestly didn't know what he could do, but he was determined to try something. Not bothering to keep the shaking from his voice, he whispered. "Get the journal. Write that we need help. "I know someone will come. Be careful, though." He walked to the door, and said as calmly as possible, "Who's there?"

The Hound frowned at the introduction of this new voice. "Only a stray, come to find a home. And maybe a little meal, while he's at it. He's heard a bird is trapped in there, and he's hungry."

She squeezed Vivi's hand tightly in her own, and took a deep shaking breath. The journal. Right...she remembered that nice people had offered to help her. And of course, there was always Ser Neuro. He was a knight...she began inching away, towards the journal hidden beneath the mattress. When she heard his voice, however, she froze briefly again and whispered..."He..he's drunk."

Vivi gulped. That guy did sound pretty scary, and even if Sansa hadn't been completely freaked out, he wouldn't have let in. Still... he listened more closely to the man's voice. Sure enough... "Is... is that a bad thing?"

"Little voices, little voices. You won't keep me at bay with your whispering." The Hound took a step backward and threw his weight against the door, resulting in a resounding crash.

The crash brought the movement back. With a shiver, she jumped towards the matress and tore the journal out from underneath it. With shaking hands she scribbled off a quick note.

Vivi hoped desperately that Sansa was writing and ran towards the door, pushing it shut. He quickly ran down a list of spells in his head, hoping that he wouldn't have to use any of them...

Repeatedly, mechanically, he threw his weight against the door. With each impact it splintered a little. Clearly it wouldn't hold him for long.

she left the journal sprawled on the bed, glancing anxiously at it's pages in hopes of a response. At another crash, she winced and risked calling out in a quavering voice. "Please, Ser Clegane...d-don't do this..."

Vivi's eyes widened as splinters rained down around his head. The door wasn't going to hold for very long... He gulped again, and yelled, "Please, just stop it! I don't want to hurt you!"

Her voice. So close. And the other... it threatened harm, but he had to risk it. He had to make sure she wasn't a phantom, a memory brought to life by wine.

Sansa gasped as the door gave way, and found herself confronted with the face that had often haunted her dreams in the Red Keep. As a reflex she covered her face with her hands, unable to bear the sight of his scarred and terrible face.

Vivi let out a yell as he was thrown forward. He rolled over as quickly as he could on his back and saw - whoa. No wonder... he had never seen someone so crazy looking in a loooong time. He got up to his feet and put himself inbetween the Hound and Sansa. "Don't come closer, please!"

And suddenly, she was there. His eyes widened further, white and
terrible, and his mouth fell open a small way. The small creature in the pointy hat didn't even register as he took a step further. So close... she looks so real...Another step and I'll be there.

She glanced up through her fingers, and saw his face--still real and still terrible. Though not as terrible as Joffrey's a small voice registered in the back of her mind. She opened her mouth to speak, but a small whimper was all she could manage.

Vivi could hear the whimper. He was shaking up and down, but this had gone far enough. He raised his hand and hoped that Paradisa hadn't taken his magic either. "Blizzara!"

The next thing Sandor knew, he was flying backward into the hall. His back hit the wall and he slid to the ground, unable to explain what had just happened nor the cold he was feeling. He glanced downward to see his hands covered in ice. His voice, however, was filled with fire. "WARLOCK. I knew this was a house of magic! You must be the one who brought me here!"

Sansa's mouth fell open in shock. She had assumed that Vivi's offer to help had been mostly a grandiose and sweet gesture, something not unlike what Bran would do. But this...he voice lowered in reverence and bewilderment."Ser Vivi...I had no idea you were a warlock!" She hadn't seen his lips, after all. Maybe they were blue...still, a warlock at 11? That seemed...well, impossible.

Vivi blinked. "War-warlock? I, uh..." he looked down at his hands and sighed quietly. "I'm not a... a warlock thingy, I think. I'm just called a black mage where I come from. It's... it's complicated." Still, he kept a hand trained on the ragged man. "Please, sir. I don't want to do that again, but I will." He was still shaking, but mostly from adrenaline.

Sandor clenched his fingers, the ice around them cracking under his grip. Slowly he rose and drew his sword. "Be she the real Sansa Stark or merely an illusion... you will step away from her, or suffer the Hound's sword."

Sansa gulped, and finally let her hands fall from her face. I am a lady. I must act like a Stark. "Ser Clegane, stop this madness...I--I command you in the name of the Starks." O-kayy that sounded weak. What would a Clegane care about a Stark's command? Especially this Clegane.

"You don't know what you're saying, little bird. Did you see him attack me with his magic? He's a warlock - he is why we are trapped here!" If you are indeed like me, and not a figment of my imagination. "Now--TO ME!"

Vivi screwed up more of his courage. "Please, Sansa - I don't know what a warlock is, but I know what a crazy man is, and I'm not going to sit down and let him take you without fighting a little. I promise I won't hurt you." He hoped she would believe him.

Sansa quickly compared a mental track record of the Hound and Vivi. One had been nothing but nice, and the other had been the right hand man of Joffrey. And he killed her Father. Well that was easy...she placed a hand on Vivi's shoulder and tried to look determined. Starklike. She glared at the hound...safely behind her new friend. "No. I won't let you take me back."

Sue arrived at the door and realized it was missing, a man standing close to where it had once been. She stayed outside the room but hid herself just beyond the doorframe, and closed her eyes, focusing. Inside the room, there was a humming sound, and the window shattered, the metal beams that held it together flying towards the man and wrapping around him as easily as if it were rope.

Vivi squeaked and took Sansa's hand, dragging her down with him as the... thing flew over their heads. Vivi craned his head back and... out the window? There was someone there...

"Who the hell said anything about taking you back!?" he roared, but his charge was stopped as the window flew apart and wrapped its arms around him in a metal embrace.

Sansa let out a small gasp as she was pulled (thankfully) out of harm's way. Somewhere it registered slightly...what the hound had said. Not take her back? "But..you're Joffrey's dog!" She blurted. Well so much for tact.

Sue crawled into the room, avoiding danger spots. She stood in the background, watching for danger and letting them sort things out verbally... If possible. She didn't want to interrupt.

His sword fell from his hand and he fell to his knees, bent but never broken. He raised his head and glared into Sansa's face. "Do you see Joffrey anywhere, Sansa? Even if I wanted to go back there, do you see any way?"

Vivi stood up, close to Sansa's side, but looked back at their savior and said, "Thankyouverymuchma'am." Except in the least impolite way possible.

Sue was confused. She hoped she hadn't accidentally hurt someone that maybe she shouldn't have. She turned to the little one in the hat, "...um, you're welcome... Are you alright, Miss Sansa...?" she assumed the name.

Sansa stood as well, and curtsied low to the woman who had helped them. "Thank you very much, my lady." At the moment, her brain could not comprehend the magic going on in the room. This place...this place was full of warlocks. She turned her attention back to the hound. Well when he put it that way...she suddenly felt very young and...ashamed. "I...I'm sorry my lord. I had only assumed..since you were a memeber of Joffrey's kingsguard.." ettiquite lessons didn't really cover how one was supposed to respond to a man who she had thought was trying to kill her.

"Eh?" Vivi said, a little confused. Then he chuckled. Figured. "We're both fine. This," he said, pointing a thumb to Sansa, "would be Miss Stark. I'm Vivi. Thank you, again."

The Hound struggled and snarled against his metal bonds, but they wouldn't budge. He was subdued, but far from calm. His eyes darted back and forth from the two warlocks. He couldn't decide which one to loathe more.

"I-I'm Sue." she said, a little uncertainly, "Um..." she wandered over and tugged on Sansa's sleeve a little (as she was much shorter than the older woman) "Should I keep him tied up like that...?"

Sansa turned to the woman who had addressed her, and smiled, nodding her head at Vivi's introduction. This woman had a pleasant face, and didn't look very old...almost around her own age. "It's a pleasure to meet you" When the girl revealed her name, she broke into a wider smile. "Ah! Lady Sue! We spoke in the magic journal..." She glanced to the hound, and barely nodded. "I--I think that might be best for now..Perhaps..perhaps we should move him to his room?" Sansa glanced to her companions."

"I... Think I can do that. Do you know where his room is...?" she looked at him and wondered how hard he would be to move...

"Oh I see, a little time out for the dog, eh?" Okay maybe I need it. Whatever. Doesn't mean I'm not mad as hell.

"I...I am sorry about this Ser Clegane." Sorry? No. Good a lying to people she was afraid of? Yes. "But could you tell us your room number?"

He glared at her. "You've got to be kidding me. Why doesn't one of your little warlock friends reach inside my head and grab it out?"

She stared back with wide-eyes. Joking? That was a Stark trait she had inhereted--the inability to joke. "Um...no ser?"

Vivi nodded, a little more vigorously this time. "She isn't kidding. If you don't tell us... I guess he can stay in my room." Although he doubted he'd ever stay in there again, if it came down to it.

Sue shrunk back from the group a bit. She could tap into his mind easily, and she knew that, but she was always taught that was bad, and it always scared her. She decided to stay quiet.

"And I don't think I or... she can do that." Vivi turned to the other girl again. "I'm sorry, maybe I should've asked for your name?"

"With the imp, huh? Alright," he growled, his grin twitching wickedly. "We're going to have fun tonight, aren't we little warlock?"

Sansa, hardly thinking, reached out and touched his shoulder...She didn't want the hound to stay in Vivi's room, where he would further terrify him. He might have just proven his strength by protecting her now but that didn't stop her from associating him with Bran. "Please Ser. Please tell us your room"

Vivi shuddered, but didn't say anything. If it came down to it. Meanwhile, he was still waiting for their helper's name.

Her touch. I feel her touch. A surge of emotion went through the Hound, a mixture of relief and fear, joy and dismay. So she is real. She's stuck here too. The Hound let his head hang and he mumbled the number, just loud enough for them to hear."....1710."

"...Sue." she said, quietly, when asked her name. On an impulse, she stepped lightly over to the man and heard the room number. "...okay then. Shall I move him?"

What? He actually... Vivi shook his head. Little miracles happened all the time. "Okay. Thank you, again, Miss Sue."

"..can you?" Sansa thought this girl, who was smaller than she was, was amazed that she could move a man as vast as the hound. Of course, this small girl had used incredible magic earlier. "It would be most appreciated if you would."

He jerked his head back up. "Oh don't think this is over, little dwarf. Just because tonight is over, don't think the rest of our days together will be any less fun than tonight was."

Sue found this man very strange indeed. She closed her eyes again and focused, using the metal as a frame to lift him up and carry him in the direction of his room. She hoped she wouldn't do anything bad like drop him...

Vivi bristled, and couldn't keep the shaking from his voice. "Please don't." He didn't want another enemy. One was one too many. He watched as Sue carried him away, eyes wide in amazement. "That's so cool..."

Sansa watched the Hound float from her room, and felt relief flood her body. Exhaustion soon followed. She lightly touched Vivi's shoulder, and then knelt on impulse and embraced him. "Thank you so much, Vivi." She stood and turned to Sue, curtsying again. "And thank you, Lady Sue. I'm...afraid of what might of happened, if you both hadn't been here to help."

Sandor let the magic work over him, carrying him to his chamber like a maiden on her wedding night. Are you sure this isn't hell? he thought, to no one in particular. But then he closed his eyes, and remembered a light touch on his shoulder, barely there. No, I guess not.

Vivi was struck speechless, but... well, Ranmaru didn't seem too averse to hugging him either. It was a nice change from being mistaken as a normal black mage all of the time. He said, "You're welcome. I told you someone would come. Well, I don't know if Sue is a knight or not, but it's nice, right?"

She smiled. "You were right. Are you sure you're not a knight? You would make a most brave one." She giggled lightly, and then yawned. "I..I fear I'm rather tired. I should retire...thank you both again..."

Sue placed him in the room, closing the door and memorising the number. She went back to the others and bowed, "And thank you. Um... Please... Stay safe. I'm just glad I was able to help."

Vivi smiled, and hugged Sansa back. "No problem. Take care of yourself, okay?"

She smiled. "I will. Goodnight, Lady Sue, Ser Vivi. I hope to see you both soon under...pleasanter circumstances."

vivi ornitier, suu, sansa stark, sandor clegane

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