cybernautical mode: [dread politics] Links that may make you think

Jun 09, 2008 12:05

I haven't done a good link roundup in a long time. Probably three years. I was too despondent about the fact that the Lemur had been voted back in. But now seems like a good time to do it again.

George W. Bush
stevenh A gesture of farewell to George W. Bush as he leaves office: Mount Flushmore. Yes. That's right. When he leaves office, we all flush our toilets in a simultaneous "goodbye!" gesture.

via ceruleanst: George Bush is trying to get a bill passed that whoever the next president is won't have the option of bringing the troops home.

John McCain:
via arkhamrefugee: McCain is very much for warrantless wiretapping.

via apestyle: McCain's family values...he comes home from war to find his wife aged and became disfigured in an accident. So he dumped her for a new wife with old money.

reruns of stuff I've already shared:
McCain makes a truly ugly joke about Chelsea, her mother, and Janet Reno.

McCain calls his wife the C word in front of press and aides.

Barack Obama:
via sanity_cheque: Why does Obama cause open weeping and make some people fear he's got a Cult of Personality? bradhicks gives his take on it.

Counterpunch.Org: An open letter to certain white Hillary supporters threatening to withhold support of Barack Obama, a reminder that John McCain is not pro-woman, and Barack Obama is; as well as a reminder that Barack Obama's platform and Hillary's are not that is it really feminist to stay home or vote McCain, or is there another issue entirely?

From the Mail in UK: Why both Obama and McCain need Hillary Clinton.

racism, news, dread politics, women's issues, girl stuff, sexism, links

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