
Oct 26, 2009 18:21

[There's some interesting groaning heard over the journal as a certain government officer comes to, rolling and accidentally knocking said book open along with the rustling of unfamiliar silk sheets. It takes a few seconds for him to register the fact that he isn't in his own room, but once he reaches that realization he's sitting bolt upright and ( Read more... )

leon s. kennedy, excella gionne

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excellant October 27 2009, 02:47:20 UTC
Well, well. Look who finally decided to wake up.

[ A few clicks of her heels as she wanders over to the bed, head tilted. Her eyes are examining him--and for once, her hair is down. Placing under his chin, she tilted his head up and gazed into his eyes. ] Are you feeling any better?


leon October 27 2009, 03:04:18 UTC
[They didn't sleep together, did they? LOL]

There's no parasite gnawing at my brain. I'd say that counts as some sort of improvement, wouldn't you?


ROOM FILTER excellant October 27 2009, 04:17:05 UTC
[ Quickly shuts his journal, ripping it out of his hands. ]

I suggest if you don't want to be portrayed as a monster, you refrain from saying such things in public.


ROOM FILTER FOREVER leon October 27 2009, 04:22:42 UTC
[She just had to ask for it, geez]

Worried about my image?

[Or maybe it was hers she was looking to keep under wraps]

I've done worse under the influence of the castle.


excellant October 27 2009, 04:42:27 UTC
Yes, well, people seem to be more forgiving when it's castle influence.

[ Is inspecting him, making sure everything looks all right. ]

Besides, your little friend has made quite the effort to keep your name in the good. [ A grin, tilting her head as she leaned forward, placing a hand on his leg. ] What did you say her name was again?


leon October 27 2009, 04:45:14 UTC
[More like checking him out. Luckily Leon doesn't mind being treated like a piece of meat. B)]


[God, she better not be blue balling him again]

Is she all right?


excellant October 27 2009, 04:59:17 UTC
Oh, you could say that. [ Beaming, letting her hand rub him a little. ]

You see, that hero of hers has been with her most of the time. From the looks of it, I'd say they're getting pretty close.


leon October 27 2009, 05:09:39 UTC
[Why does that bother him so much? Not her hand--he's actually enjoying that. But the idea of Claire being consoled by that guy...

Something about dudes who wear tights.

Then again, it's not like he made it any easier for her to come to him, did he? Way to be a friend, Leon]

At least she hasn't been by herself. I wouldn't want her to be alone after what happened...

[Anyway, change of subject. Leon might be sporting some emo hair but he does not dwell on that type of bullshit. Especially when someone like Excella is rubbing his leg.

Time to turn on the patented Kennedy charm. Cue the cheestastic smile]

I guess I owe you one for looking after me.


excellant October 27 2009, 05:35:06 UTC
[ Brings her hand up, to caress the side of his face, keeping her hand on his cheek. Is she coming on too strong yet? ] Oh? Then you're not bothered by the fact she's with another man? [ A laugh. ]

[ Well, aren't those words music to her ears. Nevermind she extracted the Las Plagas virus from him. ]

Yes, you do.


Don't ask me about the icon. leon October 27 2009, 05:53:00 UTC
[I don't think there is such thing as coming on too strong to a guy. Besides, if her dress alone isn't coming on too strong? Coughsideboobcough. Then she doesn't have to worry]

As much as I like talking about Claire, I'd much rather start paying back that debt.

[He's already taking her hand and urging her down toward his lap the bed so he can have better access to her mouth.

Yeah, it might have been more gentlemanly to stand when you wanted to kiss someone but hey--he's already in bed, half naked here. Why let the situation go to waste?]


What's with the icon? excellant October 27 2009, 20:20:41 UTC
[ There was no warning--she certainly hadn't seen this coming, but, it was no surprise either. She was a beautiful woman, and good things happened to people who were gifted like her.

She wouldn't complain, or argue, to move away. Her body worked with his, and her lips ever so lightly against his own. ]


It's the closest thing I have to sexy times for Leon. leon October 27 2009, 21:25:41 UTC
[These princess types liked to be manhandled every once and a while. >/

Leon still wasn't sure how much he trusted her, but right now that was the last thing on his mind. Which is why his hand on her leg was mimicking hers from only moments earlier while he put an end to that teasing and responded to the gentle grazing against his lips.

Second base wasn't so bad, but he wasn't the type to give up until he scored a home run B/]


any icon with leon is sexy times excellant October 28 2009, 02:12:21 UTC
[ It wasn't long before her lips were pressed roughly against his in a dominant fashion.

She had to give him props--only a few minutes after he woke up he was all ready going for it. Hands slid down his chest and came to unbutton his pants. Leon certainly was no Wesker, but he'd have to do for now. ]


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