
Oct 23, 2009 15:56

[there's a small sound of contentment, the sounds of stretching, and a little thud as Albus throws down his quill, and picks up the journal to dictate]

If there is a line, I think I crossed it quite a while ago. I feel like I haven't spoken to my friends in ages! [can you hear the smile, and slight guilt in his voice?] Purely my fault, I'm afraid; I was caught up in work in my room, then busy with our findings beyond the borders, only to come back and find myself with a roommate, (thank you again, Ken, for accommodating me) and then to throw myself back into work again.

[there's some whining, and whuffy sounds. Albus laughs]

Oh, yes, it's partially your fault too, Dro, but I don't blame you a whit for it. You needed the attention. I'm just glad you're feeling a bit better now, after some time outside and some rest. Isn't that right?

[there's a pause, and a soft growl, which Albus is going to take for a yes 8D he ruffles Dro's mane]

We'll go get you a good dinner in a bit.

[directs himself fully at the journal once again. warmly:]

Now, as for you folks. How are you all doing?

[is in like. a random good mood. 8D even ... more so than usual. talk to him or something]

albus dumbledore

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