027: mermaid in the pool!

Oct 01, 2009 12:33

[Zora had awoken early, and as she lay there for a little while, she thought she might have a swim. So, gathering up a suit and everything in a bag, she went down to the pool. She changed, braided her hair, set the journal open on a chaise lounge by the water's edge, just in case, and jumped in. She did two lengths of butterfly, and was surprised at her own speed, so she stopped... and that's when she realized she had a tail.]

Oh... mygod.
[sounds of water splashing as she makes her way over to the journal... and realizes that her bikini top is also gone. She tries asking the Castle for another one, but no dice. It's like 8 am, but there's really only one person she can think of to turn to - and she hopes he's not still possessed.]

Barney? Are you up? Can you... come down to the pool for a second?
[she is trying really hard not to freak out.]

[[ooc: open to all, after Barney's thread! and then she won't be topless. Sorry guys.]]

zora khyber

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