(no subject)

Oct 01, 2009 00:33

[and because he needs to think of not only an awesome birthday gift for Naruto, but now an awesome wedding gift for Marian, Shinji is in the library looking at music books and baking books and arts & crafts books to try and figure out some idea.

and of course, the one about cello music is all the way at the top.

sigh. his life.

standing on a step stool... with a few books on top for extra height, he's stretching his arm up as high as it can go to try and get the book. his journal fell some time ago beside him, recording everything. he reaches... reaches... and the books start to wobble]

Wh-Whoa... Ah - Gaaah!! [and there's the sound of several books falling, a thud of someone hitting the floor, and a few more books after that. groooooooooooan.]

Stupid shelf. Why do you have to be so high anyway?

ikari shinji

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