|| { 60: cut time } ||

Jul 24, 2009 12:04

[It happens quickly. One second, Joshua is happily doodling out patterns and Code, humming off-key to himself, and then --]

[-- the pen grinds into the paper --]

[-- it changes --]



[Another pause, before he starts scribbling again, this time with purpose; more Code, printed more quickly than the human eye can follow, winding and twisting its way around the pages, before it suddenly halts again. Joshua is panting a little.]

Well. This is a problem.

I think I'll head outside for a little while. It's a lovely day.

[Cue Joshua exiting the Caritas, easily, whistling a bit to himself offkey. There is a flutter of wings, and the footsteps slow. Joshua has never seen a Timcanpy before.]

Hello. I don't believe we've me-

[You know the drill. There's another soft woosh of air, the slice, a sudden gasp; Joshua coughs once, and it's over. Pieces of Timcanpy clatter onto the street. Another bloodstain outside the Caritas... go!]

[ooc: Backdated a bit! Sorry, I didn't mean to sleep for so long. Also, Joshua has, ICly, just lost control of Dr. Cabot to the castle. \o\ Nothing will change, but Joshua is now kind of sore. =)]

!mass murder plot, joshua kiryu

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