One week today, but I sincerely doubt anything will change after midnight tonight. Unless he begins to hunt those past the border, the limitations set for those who are not Paradisa itself have always been clear. This is a resident's doing.
However, being able to tell which one it is in time to stop any further murders is, at this point, impossible. No definitive, honest list of all powers available to each resident exists. It may have even been one of the people killed who may have created or instructed him. We do not know whose or what command would deactivate such a thing. Nor do we know what specific commands he has been given. Other than the obvious room number pattern (which in itself makes little sense to follow) there is very little correlation between any of the residents killed.
[a pause, then a sigh]
Such a lack of information is frustrating, yet typical for this dimension.
Not the brightest circumstances for such a day, but happy birthday regardless.