036: new resolve

Jul 11, 2009 00:40

[back-dated to like 10pm]

[Roof Filter]
[Risika is up on the roof... brooding. Cliche, she knows. It's been a while since she last truly fed... yarbarah may work for Lord SaDiablo, but her metabolism is faster, and she's not as strong as she should be. She needs to hunt. She hasn't been because of Draco... but then, he knows what she is. And he knows she doesn't harm. Well. Not here, and not without cause. It's been a while since she killed to teach someone else a lesson, and he doesn't need to know. Resolved in this, she takes the form of a hawk, and flies into town.

She won't be home tonight, Draco.]

[[open-ish post? Feel free to see her on the roof... she might ignore you. but the bird flying off into the dusk is easily seen by everyone with town-facing windows.]]


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