
Jul 01, 2009 20:35

[The following is scrawled in Hodgins’ messy hand]

It was the perfect weapon, when you really sat down to think about it. It did the job, and then was completely bio-degradable. Hard to find evidence that no longer exists. As he put the final touches to his work, he thought about his victim. She would probably smile at the random gift, think she has a secret admirer, throw back her hair, smell the perfumed delights in her hands. That one moment would seal her fate, the one action that would lead to her death. She won’t know that, of course. After all, no one suspects flowers.

[Pen tap, then dictated]

It’s a work in progress. He still needs a motive. Perhaps an abusive mother? That’s usually a good starting point for any serial killer, especially if he’s targeting women. Not that I’m being gender specific here, it’s just, well, you send women flowers more than you do men.

jack hodgins

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