Mar 03, 2009 20:58
[went and took a shower and a nap, earlier. sure, he slept through most of the weekend, too, but honestly, sleep was the only way he was really able to deal with everything he'd been through. sleep, and beer, because without the beer, the nightmares kept waking him up. during the nap, though, there weren't any nightmares, even though there hadn't been beer. he just remembered hearing Shannon, thinking he saw her, the way he had in the mirror again, telling him how he'd changed. and when he woke up, there was a rainbow fish curled up around his ponytail]
Hey, little fishy dude.
[wait. his ponytail? ... eh. whatev? sits up and stretches, not really caring that his suit has been replaced by khakis and a tie-dyed NYU t-shirt. oops.]
Let's you and me go make some java, huh? [stretches, gets to his feet, and heads for the kitchen, intent on brewing up some seriously amazing coffee, like he used to back home.]
(( OOC: Annnd, hippie!loss is a go! Obviously, open thread. Feel free to come and gawk at the lack of suit and the increase of hair.}}
barney stinson