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save_the_souls January 20 2009, 06:03:05 UTC
[a pause; he's disgusted by this]



aworldforus January 20 2009, 06:09:00 UTC
You wouldn't understand.


save_the_souls January 20 2009, 06:12:25 UTC
You can't say that for sure, so would you please try to explain anyway? Maybe if I can't understand, other people will.


aworldforus January 20 2009, 06:14:55 UTC
Only because you are so mannered.

There is an art and a challenge to taking the last of what some broken soul still has. They hold onto it with such ferocity. It makes losing it all the more painful for them. And it makes watching them lose it all the more pleasurable for you.


save_the_souls January 20 2009, 06:20:32 UTC
[He understands only because he's dealt like monsters like this before. Which makes him even more disgusted]

All right.

But why Vergil, and why now? There have been plenty of people who have been near the breaking point because of this castle...this loss is simply an extreme case.

So I suppose what I'm really asking is...

What personal interest do you have in this? More than just a challenge, I mean. And why aren't you attempting it yourself?


aworldforus January 20 2009, 07:20:23 UTC
There is nothing else. He's just there. What better target then the one presented to us?


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