(no subject)

Dec 21, 2008 00:03

[There's some clicking of boot heels as Julia makes her way down to the kitchen. She pauses in the doorway, however, when she sees a man in the kitchen acting rather oddly, and chooses to lean against the doorframe and watch for a moment.]

[a few moments of the sound of things being pushed around before--] Oh! Hello, I didn't see you there. I didn't know anyone besides me eats at this time!

[She smiles softly, once she's been spotted, but doesn't move from her place.] You mean nobody else enjoys a bit of a midnight snack but me?

It seems not. But that's what makes it the best time to come down here, it's not so crowded and you can get to things more easily. [pause] Ah, did you want some? [holding up a few different boxes of snack foods]

That's true. [looks at the snack food] Hm, I was going to make myself a sandwich, actually ...

I had a few of those earlier before you came down! It seems like this place always has exactly what you need. [wandering over to her, because it's annoying to have to talk across the room to someone]

They are pretty good, aren't th -- [FREEZES, since he's coming closer the magic of the wreath is activating aslkdjsd]

[!! Wassat? He's pulling her into a kiss, without even having learned her name! D:]


[And it goes on for a bit loooooonger, before he finally pulls away] -- I'm sorry! I'm not normally so forward. I suppose I underestimated my own hormones. [but looking slightly baffled]

[when she finally gets out of it, looks so surprised... finally she clears her throat] It's .. well. I'm taken, I'm sorry. [LOL DOESN'T REALIZE IT'S AN ENCHANTMENT just thinks he has some weird superpower]

[ooc: Decorations are up Secret Santa cards are now available, too! Remember, the castle prevents you from saying who you're giving the presents to until they guess it!]

alfred f. jones (america), julia

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