♞ The Second Move.

Dec 17, 2008 15:06

[Clothes. Bed covers. Chair. Anything the person can reach is being grabbed at, inspected roughly, and then casually thrown to the ground. Plenty of mumbles, cursing, and groans are being accidentally dictated, but whatever is said out-loud is barely audible.]

God...I finally regain most of my memories and then he just has to...

[Footsteps are heard getting louder as he finds the journal lying on the desk.]

The hell is this?

[He flips through the pages, skimming through the words. He stops and flips back a few pages. Emil... made an entry...? He slowly reads through it and all the comments that can be seen. And then he spots the conversation held between Emil and Alice. As he reads it, his hands slowly begin to wrinkle and crunch the pages. Alice, the little………his tone is sharp.]

..............what does he think he's doing talking to these people? [a groan, followed by something barely audible] Emil…at least I know why I’m out…

[When he looks up from the pages of the journal, he spots a sheet of ripped paper taped to the wall behind the desk. The tiny note is addressed to him and signed by Emil. After reading the note, he gives out a disgruntled “hmph.”]

[OOC: ToS2 spoilers, probably? Yes. Also for those who don’t know, Emil has a sort of light and wimpy tone of voice. Ratatosk’s voice is a bit deeper with a completely different attitude. Extra information FTW?]

emil castagnier

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