(no subject)

Nov 20, 2008 16:06

[various town sounds can be heard in the background; as Nill and Akito pass close to a cafe some girls start chattering excitedly]

Ooh, look at those two!
Such nice outfits~
How adorable!
Hey Liz, ask those two!
Think they'd do it?
Alright, come on~
Hey, look at those two!
They'd be perfect~
What cute girls!

But I'm not a--

Eee, such a cute voice! ♥
You two, come here!
Hey, come in~!
Look, she's got little wings~!
Come on in, we have a deal for you!
Come work for us, you'd be great!

[some fluttering and small protests as they're dragged inside the cafe]

[[ooc: Blue is Akito, the fluttering is Nill, and all other colors are random girl babble from outside. Guess who're getting jobs whether they like it or not? 8D;]]

nill, wanijima akito

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