George Barrel- Treatment A
Hannah Littleton- T Solution
Matthew Harris- J Solution
Alexander Jackson- Treatment A and J Solution
A- Shortening of breath, sweat, increased heart rate. All normal signs of fear. However, Patient A lapsed quickly back into a state of normalcy once the agitator was removed from his line of sight.
T- Initial success. Long term effects lasted only a matter of hours before T Solution acted as a poison, slowly hindering the respiratory process and causing suffocation.
J- Long lasting results to lesser degree than effects of T Solution. Sets in a paranoia and jitteriness in patient. Tense feelings last for up to nine days.
A/J- Long lasting effects with greater reactions with agitator introduced. Research pending.
[below is a scribbled set of formulas and specific observations based on the information above]
[far below this]
The Joker is likely somewhere removed from the castle. Any information about him is being kept behind filters or away from the journals altogether.
I wonder... is he the type of man who can keep someone else's secrets? It's problematic for me if he can't.