Day 2

May 14, 2008 15:15


[talking to herself while pacing in her room]

No way. No way. I can't be trapped here! Not in this crazy, shape-shifting, foreign land! I don't have a map to help me get back. I don't have Kahn. I don't even have my cricket. It used to follow me everywhere...

How long was I passed out that someone could carry me out of the country without me noticing?!

I need to report back to Shang - find a way to reach the others, tell them I'm okay. As okay as I can be after that.

[worried noise] If I don't explain that I was kidnapped, I'm out of the army for sure!

[sounds of frustrationnnn]

...But since we defeated the Huns, I don't need to be in the army anymore. ...Right? But I still need to get home. If I'm away from my family any longer, I-

What do I do? What do I do? What do I...


[switching from dictation to writing; strikes unreadable]

Well I quite enjoyed that village, despite

That wasn't so bad

I've seen bigger castles

Excuse me, where can I find

[there's a groan, followed by a headdesk]


fa mulan

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