
Feb 28, 2007 21:14

I wonder if the castle is missing an idiot? Because he came raging after me when I was fishing by the river waving a gun and shooting bullets with sloppy aim. I thought it was a human, but no, IT WAS MY OWN KIN. I think he's out of his mind, so I threw him into the lake no matter how masterful he is with the wind. He blew a cyclone, so I add eda spiral of fire to burn him of. Before the fires touched him, he became scared, and then I tripped him over. The lake grounds is quite slippery~!

He looked like an oversized watermelon, but in the water, drowned algae. Stupid assassin.

I just left the castle this morning because I felt suffocated, so I decided to live out in the woods. My room stank of the vermins, dogs, and cats I killed, I do hope the servants have a miserable time cleaning up my room. I even robbed the kitchens too because it's fun, but then became boring when I realized it's for free. I consider taking advantage of such genorous kindness because humans are silly with their altruistic ways.

I guess this proves humans are not my enemies, but I shall be wary of every one of you. Can't trust anyone after all and idiot in the lake had proved not even of my own kin~.

Oh, and dragon? Your territory is rich in rabbits, I hope you don't mind sharing the feeding grounds whether you like it or not~! Everyone must survive, no matter how top you are on the food chain. I learned from your journal and I knew where I could hunt.

mithos yggdrasill

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