
Feb 20, 2007 18:12

[Filter; Private]

I see how it is! This castle is holding me prisoner and the humans are holding me hostage to make fun of me!

I'll make them pay, I will make this castle burn.

There's no such thing as a Goddess.

But not yet, I will bide my time. . .



I'm sorry for being rude before, I was confused enough to kill a rat and use it's blood for ink.

My name is Mithos. I am no Lord, half-elves cannot be Lords for we don't have the right. I'm just a kid in search of peace and stopping discrimination for my kind.

I'm all right. The food was. . .above average than I expected.

You humans are sure [Blotches of ink] friendly. I can't say the same thing for myself; I killed you all for my survival.

mithos yggdrasill

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