♅ first

Jan 05, 2012 23:32

[When the decidedly authoritative voice rings out over the journal, it’s clear that the woman who possesses it isn’t messing around.]Greetings, citizenry of this castle. As your new Mistress, I will require all women of buxom figure to report to the lobby. We’ll need to do fittings for your uniforms. Fit men will also require uniforms. Please wash ( Read more... )


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invitante January 6 2012, 06:08:51 UTC
[Ezio is like... staring at his journal in some weird mixture of curiosity and apprehension, because this sounds like it has potential to be Teodora-level weird. It certainly sounds like it.

Dry swallow.]

Who exactly are you, madam?


fearedmistress January 6 2012, 06:18:12 UTC
[HA HA HA. Swallow.]

I believe I already answered that. I'm Mistress.


invitante January 6 2012, 06:21:39 UTC
Yes, but -- [wait, why should be argue with someone who introduces herself on the journal like this.] Well. [Ahem.]

What gives you authority?


fearedmistress January 6 2012, 06:23:17 UTC
[Right! It's better not to argue at all. Just obey~]

I'm me. I hardly see what other authority is needed.


invitante January 6 2012, 06:24:44 UTC

You have presumably just arrived and you mean to turn this place into your bordello...


fearedmistress January 6 2012, 06:30:22 UTC
Bordello, kingdom, what's the difference? It's mine now either way, and that means that you'll be needing to offer either yourself or a tribute.

The choice is yours.


invitante January 6 2012, 06:33:01 UTC
[Lady, he hasn't even seen you.]

And the consequence for defiance?


fearedmistress January 6 2012, 06:35:25 UTC
[But she's so hot and totally worship-able!]

Mm, always death. Painful, torturous, wonderful death.


invitante January 6 2012, 06:38:48 UTC
And you will accomplish this yourself?


fearedmistress January 6 2012, 06:40:28 UTC
Well, I haven't rounded up my new guard detail, so I suppose I'll have to.


invitante January 6 2012, 06:46:16 UTC
[After over ten years of being an Assassin, Ezio has never personally seen a woman kill or even fight. Pardon him if he's a bit skeptical.]

Excuse all my questions, Mistress, but I was not aware that women like you existed.

And this tribute? What is it expected to be?


fearedmistress January 6 2012, 06:49:44 UTC
[Oh, but she'd love to show him. They'll need someone to punish, though...]

You are excused, of course, but all of these questions are only delaying the inevitable.

Tributes are left to the individual or village to decide, of course. They should just be good. Are you asking for examples? That just shows a lack of creativity.


invitante January 6 2012, 06:53:04 UTC
[The inevitable. :[ Oh god.]

Uncreative, perhaps, I don't see anything in this for me.


fearedmistress January 6 2012, 06:55:24 UTC
I always reward those who are worthy of it.


invitante January 6 2012, 07:19:35 UTC
Ah, but I have no way of knowing how worthy I am until I've given something up, and should I fail, I shall be killed.


fearedmistress January 6 2012, 07:21:16 UTC
You sound like you have potential. I'm sure I could find it in my heart to excuse a misstep.


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