Jan 02, 2012 17:25

[Typical with free vacations from the castle, Spike has been more or less out of commission since Paris and that whole incident. Cuts and bruises are already well on their way to healing, but for some valid reasons, he hasn't felt like going out. Maybe it wouldn't have been as bad if he hadn't spent most of his time stubbornly avoiding the clinic, and treating concussion symptoms like "persistent headaches" with insomnia and alcohol. Generally, he's had mixed results.

Today though, he brakes down and does what he should have done before: steal medicine from the clinic when nobody is looking. It's a simple plan. Timing is just right, since there's some sort of commotion going on outside (whatever it is, he doesn't want to know). All he has to do is find where they keep the painkillers and he should be in and out.]

[Even though it's been a while, Spike remembers the layout of the clinic enough to look like he knows where he's going. He thinks to bring a small bouquet of flowers with him (like he's visiting a friend), and does what he can not to draw attention. Then after some brief hovering, he pinpoints which supply room he wants.

Once he's got an opening, he quietly drops the flowers in the nearest wastebasket and tests the door. -- It's unlocked, so getting in isn't a problem, and his eyes can adjust to the dark. The only hard part comes when he's met with a very sealed supply case.

Somehow a pounding headache makes breaking it open harder than it should be; he's about to get frustrated when he notices that there are some other bottles sitting out to the side. He starts scanning the labels in the dim light, trying to pick out something stronger than the aspirin he'd been wishing up. He's squinting at the writing on third bottle when he freezes. ... He doesn't have long to think about it, just stuffs the pill bottle into his pocket, and quietly slips back out.

Sometime much later, when he's found somewhere to be alone, his curiosity drives him to pull out the journal.]



[At the moment, Spike's headache takes a backseat; because something like this he can't afford to ignore. But... what do you say when you're positive you were the last person to see someone alive? Can't be a case of mistaken identity with a name like his.]

I guess the ambulance showed up after all.

[Apparently joking his way through it is his method of choice. It's going to be awkward enough already.]


ooc: open to running into at the clinic... or catching him being slick haha;;

spike spiegel

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