16th spoiler

Dec 29, 2011 13:06

Well, Christmas didn't pass quite the way I expected it would. I mean, who could be prepared for a trip to Paris? Or a job as head of security at a museum.

But I digress. It's time for presents.

The Doctors )

river song

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cricketycricket January 3 2012, 01:09:52 UTC
Mistletoe. As though you needed an ulterior motive. [as disgruntled and amused as he sounds, he'll knock on the door to her room soon enough, a package in bright gold paper with silver ribbons tucked under his arm]


hullo_sweetie January 3 2012, 02:00:07 UTC
[River opens the door and ushers him inside, eying up the package in his hands]

Oh hush, you like me or you wouldn't have married me - will marry me.

[She reaches for his package and slips him her own gift. A leather satchel with his name painstakingly inscribed in Gallifreyan on the front]

You gave me your old satchel, so I thought it was only right that I give you a new one to replace it. Plus there's a free pass to wear a hat of your choice, no matter how silly, and I won't shoot it off your head. You can only use that pass once.


cricketycricket January 4 2012, 15:43:15 UTC
Oh, River. [he runs a hand over the embossing, gently] It's lovely. I'll treasure it, most definitely.

[slipping it on over his shoulder, he hands her her box. inside is an old Portugese map case - with her archaeologist's eyes, she'll be able to tell it's from the same era as Ferdinand Magellan... but the question is: does she choose to open it, too?]


hullo_sweetie January 4 2012, 16:54:03 UTC
I hoped you might. It was this or a new sonic screwdriver and I don't have all the parts necessary for that.

[She opens the wrapping and gasps. Since she'd spent so many years at the university studying earthian archaeology, it was easy for her to know what this was. First of all, it was definitely old and possibly]


[River Song has never met a box she hasn't wanted to open. Naturally, she opens it]


cricketycricket January 5 2012, 06:22:44 UTC
Funny thing, that - [he reaches into his pocket and pulls out - TA DAH! - his old sonic. it must look positively archaic to her] - look what was waiting for me when we got back.

[he beams and gestures to the case with the sonic as she opens it. inside are a bunch of VERY detailed maps of all the areas of Paradisa he's been to - the Wanderer's Yard and Pillar Fields, Paradisa Town and The Fog, the Spiders' Wood, the Cinderbreach, Lente's Point, Mineas Well ... and of course, the town and castle themselves.]

Happy Christmas, my dear.


hullo_sweetie January 5 2012, 06:32:17 UTC
You lucky dog you.

She says in reaction to his old sonic. It really does look archaic to her. Practically a relic]

Oh Doctor, Thank you. I've been here. Your future-self.

[She places her index finger against the spot where the Pillar fields are marked. He might noticed a pretty sapphire ring on her ring finger]

Merry belated Christmas, Doctor.


cricketycricket January 5 2012, 06:59:49 UTC
And the same to you --

[he pauses, then notes the ring on her finger. her ... left ... ring ... fing-- oh.


Seems I'll have asked you something, quite a while from now, earlier. I'm not entirely sure if congratulations are needed if the one doing the congratulating is eventually directly involved in the event being congratulated, but. Just in case. [he smiles]


hullo_sweetie January 5 2012, 07:09:40 UTC
[Actually, River had completely forgotten about the ring. She wasn't used to having a physical sign of their union - let alone their intention to renew their vows. It put her off guard]

You know I don't expect anything from you.

[She means it sincerely. Oh this is awkward]

You've quite a long while to enjoy being a bachelor, don't you worry.

[ Yet she smiles nonetheless]

But thank you. I should really take this off until I'm ready to announce the event. I forgot, silly me. Spoilers and all that.


cricketycricket January 5 2012, 07:13:33 UTC
[you have NO IDEA how awkward it is, until you're him, River. absolutely no idea. absently] Oh, I'm not worried ...

... Though, I'd be careful how you tell Rory and Amy, I should think. [particularly Rory. he dotes on her and the idea of the three of them as a strange little family, so much, from what he's heard - and he's not sure if either of the ladies have any clue at all. River taking so well after her mother, and all]


hullo_sweetie January 5 2012, 07:17:40 UTC
[She can certainly take a wild guess. If someone had told Melody Pond she'd be married to the Doctor she might've laughed. She used to be conditioned to kill him, after all]

Oh, your future self seems dead set on asking my father's permission even though we're already married. The wedding is pending his survival. Romans can be unpredictable.

[She's only half serious of course]

I don't know how to break it to Amy.....I fear she'll be even more distant and I want her there for the wedding. You too, you don't get out of it just because you're a younger regeneration.


cricketycricket January 5 2012, 07:22:24 UTC
Especially Scottish Romans from Leadworth. [he winks - but the smile fades once she mentions Amy]

Yes, I've worried about her, lately, too - though she seemed more her old self earlier today, when I visited for Christmas. Maybe Paris gave her a bit of a turn and lifted her spirits ...

Though, as for myself, of course I'm going. It's not everyone who gets to say he can spectate at his own wedding. [and especially not when the man getting married is one of his closest friends. as strange as that may be.]


hullo_sweetie January 5 2012, 07:27:15 UTC
Yes, I think so too. She dropped off some gifts for me and they were quite -


Thoughtful. I think she's coming around, but this could potentially set her back.

Yes, as for yourself I expect your future version will want you to be the best man. You two are cocky enough for that.

[If only she were joking]

I can't imagine how you must feel. I can only hope I haven't proved myself unworthy.....


cricketycricket January 5 2012, 16:17:08 UTC
Maybe you should talk to her alone, then, first ... don't girls go off and have lunch and buy things, or something? I know Tegan was always trying to talk me into letting her take Nyssa...

And goodness, unworthy? Don't be ridiculous, River. With all your running around and your thirst for knowledge and your -- well, you-ness? I may not be ready for this for a few more milennia, but trust me, you're the most worthy woman I've met. [but he can't resist one little dig in with the compliment - it's how they roll] Even if you are human.


hullo_sweetie January 5 2012, 16:24:51 UTC
Yes we do, or we used to until Berlin.

[She waves her had, as if to dismiss his theory of women conjugating to ruin his very existence]

It's not so easy when it's your own mum. As close as we used to be.

[She manages a bright smile for him, vibrant and so full of love it might make him uncomfortable]

I'm human in biology only. If I were raised on Gallifrey you'd really have to watch your step, Doctor.

[She's teasing]

I'm the child of the TARDIS, after all.


cricketycricket January 5 2012, 16:30:34 UTC
I already watch my step quite enough around you, thank you. [he arches an eyebrow]

As for Amy, well -- [ugh, he doesn't know. he's no good at this human interaction thing. not on the emotional level. politics? yes. keeping them from killing each other? yes. he admires their emotional depth to NO END, but -- well, understanding it is another story entirely] -- I don't know, but I trust you'll think of something.


hullo_sweetie January 5 2012, 16:34:41 UTC
Daring, don't worry.

[She smiles and pecks him on the cheek. Their mistletoe kiss at this point]

I know Amy, she'll come around.


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