Dec 27, 2011 10:59
-- annnnnnnd thank you for your time.
[Five watches the last of his tour groups mill away, chattering amongst each other, and leans up against a colonne with a satisfied sigh]
Well, that's enough of that to last me for a while. I must say, though, it's been an awful lot of fun. Been a good while since I set foot on Ile-de-la-Cite, though now I suppose I know it back-to-front more than any Time Lord ought. I am a bit disappointed at the lack of unexpected surprises on the tours - back home, I'd be likely to get halfway through and have to contend with a Cyberman, or a Sontaran, or a Silurian ....
[he runs a hand over the column, and frowns. what they found in Libet is still dogging him, horribly] ... or the Master. .... Oh, well. I hope everyone's had a happy Christmas, at any rate. I've gifts for some of you, but they were all in the TARDIS, and well - she's a bit fishy right now, truth be told, so you'll have to be patient with me until we're back to brass tacks. Quite sorry.
[The Ubiquitous Anti-First-Gen/Villain/What Have You Filter]
So, I had a chat with Reno Browne and Roy Harper, the other day. Thought you might like to know...
[last open Paris post for Five! he'll be wandering around Paris at large, today, being Doctory, so find him wherever you like!]
fifth doctor