
Dec 26, 2011 16:33

[Well, the 26th is finally here, a day Ryotaro's hardly thrilled about. Still, a tradition is a tradition, even if it is incredibly stupid he likes doing it anyway...it's a nice way to deal with it. He's currently sitting in a park, writing all of this because too many people have already seen him talking to himself so this time he may avoid looking crazy to the public. It's also in japanese, just to make sure noone can happen to read this if trying to filter it away from everyone but himself doesn't work.]

The 26th. It's a bit of an odd situation this time around, but I'd like to do this now anyway. I hope you can still hear this. Or read this? Haha, I guess I don't really know how you would do either. Whether or not you even hear this every year.
Wait, no, I shouldn't doubt that. I'm sure you can. Anyway hello! Merry Christmas to all of you. I hope they actually celebrate Christmas there, it would seem like a thing to really miss. I might not like when it comes around but I still end up enjoying it.
I know you'd probably all want me to anyway. Especially Grandmother, considering she actually said it, but if you could let her know I do celebrate it again and Airi-san and I have a great time every year.
Speaking of this time of year, I'd also like to apologize about this, but, I have no intention of celebrating my birthday today. Airi-san makes me celebrate it, but noone here knows it's today and I don't think I'll tell them. I haven't known them long anyway, I don't want to burden people who are essentially strangers with it.
So if you could not tell Grandmother I would appreciate it. She was really determined to convince me to, but considering what happened...
Oh! Speaking of which, I'm not home right now. I've...I know this might seem strange, but apparently I've been kidnapped? By a castle? It also won't send me home until it wants so I'm kind've stuck here. But right now we're in Paris. It's really nice. Momotaros-tachi are with me too, so I'm not even alone. It's a nice feeling. I was afraid they'd be stuck home without me.
Or maybe I was afraid I'd be stuck here, without them. Eitherway it's comforting.
I also hope things back home are okay. I've heard time freezes back home while you're gone, but Den-liner existed outside of time as did the Imagin. Does that mean they can do want they want while I'm gone? I'm sure it's been taken care of but I can't help but worry.
I would hate for anyone to find out about the Imagin that way. For me to come home and them to find out I hid it from them. That I was the only one who could stop them. That I wasn't there to stop them.
Haha, I'm sorry, I'm using this as a way to complain again, aren't I? I'm really sorry, I know this isn't the reason I do this.
But so you know, you don't have to worry. I know being kidnapped sounds like a bad thing, but I've made some friends already! It's a nice feeling. They weren't really forced to get to know me like Momotaros-tachi, or Hana-San, or Owner...I guess it's just nice to have made some friends who I didn't meet through other people, or who have to put up with me like everyone back home.
I don't think I'll tell you about them just yet though...I might be getting ahead of myself. They might not even like me as much as I like them, I think I might be getting too attached too soon. Grandmother said I did that a lot. I guess I'm not over it even now.
Anyway, I guess that's it. The year has been pretty interesting, considering this is also the year I met Momotaros-tachi and became Den-o, and now this Castle business...I hope things are good for you all up there.

[If you happen to be in the area, he's sitting on a bench in the park staring at his journal with a pen in hand. Otherwise, you might just run into him around Paris cause once he's done he's off to wander as he's done the entire time he's been here. Kinda gave up on trying to find that Bakery though, he's probably lost his job already since he hasn't shown up at all. At this stage he doesn't really care though.]
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