Ϟ one.

Dec 25, 2011 18:09

[ hello, paris-disa.

on a random corner of a random street in one of the not-very-well-to-do parts of town, you'll find this young redheaded man standing, handing out lunchboxes, (croque monsieurs and a salad) little drinks and desserts to the homeless. and pretty much anyone else who asks for one. he's pleasant and smiling, greeting everyone with a kind 'joyeuse fêtes!' every once in a while, he's greeted by a couple kids; anyone with a rudimentary understanding of french will gather that he teaches at their school.

there's also a little collection box at his feet; the label says that the proceeds go towards a charity organisation for the less fortunate.

come get some free food, or GIVE A LITTLE. it's christmas, after all. :) ]

[ ooc; happy holidays, and merry christmas, paradisa! je vous fais de grosses bises ♥ open post, of course. ]

!intro, albus dumbledore

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