04 (action/journal)

Dec 20, 2011 20:14

[Things have been kind of insane for the past couple of days, but Phoenix is making the most of finding himself landed in Paris. He's never been anywhere like this before, and he certainly hasn't ever studied French, but for some reason he's discovered that he apparently seems to know French sign language quite well. This is vaguely more beneficial than pantomiming everything he wants to say. Slightly.

In any case, he's been amusing himself in his spare time by biking around to all the major sightseeing attractions and being a total tourist, complete with a green backpack containing his flip notebook and pen, a (fairly useless) dictionary of French phrases, a camera, and his journal. No need to let a perfectly good opportunity for vacationing go by, after all.

Having lunch outdoors at a French cafe is the icing on the cake for this tourist, and he is, at present, poking at some sort of edible something he's been served at today's dining destination. While he munches, he writes in his journal.]

Who else is having fun in Paris? I'm sightseeing and eating something I can't even begin to name. I regret not traveling a long time ago!


So, I have a Christmas gift for you.

[A pause. He's not really sure if this is weird or okay or what, but anyway.]

Do you want it early? Or do I have to hide it until Christmas day?

phoenix wright

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