♈ Aradia: Alert the proper authorities.

Dec 19, 2011 00:00

[Filtered away from Legato or any other prisoners or their allies]Does anyone know what's happened to the people we were holding in the Dead Zone? Legato and the others, I mean. I have reason to believe Legato is somewhere in Paris right now, and if he was just brought here like the rest of us, he is probably on the loose. The same may be true of ( Read more... )

aradia megido

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filter chosengigolo December 19 2011, 07:32:23 UTC


filter forevah ar0se December 19 2011, 15:30:23 UTC
A dangerous madman with the power to control people's minds. I am talking thousands of them. At the same time.


filter forevah chosengigolo December 19 2011, 16:36:36 UTC
Whoa- You serious?!


ar0se December 19 2011, 17:02:07 UTC
The most serious. The last time he was on the loose was back in August, and he controlled some ridiculous percentage of the City Royale. It's kind of a miracle that I'm the only one who died.


chosengigolo December 19 2011, 18:16:47 UTC

He's the roommate I like! How can he be psychotic?!


ar0se December 19 2011, 18:23:51 UTC
Roommate? You're in the same hive as him?? Is he there right now?


chosengigolo December 19 2011, 22:05:01 UTC
No! He's doing a grocery shop for us!

Are you sure he's the one? Cause lemme tell you, that Maine's guy got issues.


ar0se December 19 2011, 22:34:33 UTC
Maine? No, I've never heard of him. [She did meet the Meta once but she doesn't consciously remember it.] There's no rule that says "one psycho per hive." They could both be bad news. But Legato definitely is, beyond any doubt.

If he comes back, be careful, all right? In the meantime, what's your location?


chosengigolo December 19 2011, 22:38:07 UTC
You want me to tell the location of a mind controller? What if he finds out it's me and mind controls me off that tower thing!?


ar0se December 19 2011, 22:47:08 UTC
Technically, I am not asking you for his location, just yours. And if you can find out whether he still has his powers - he might not, after all - we might not even need to come out there, except to keep an eye on him.

[Who "we" refers to is ... a bit fuzzy at best.]


chosengigolo December 19 2011, 22:55:56 UTC

[He pauses. Technically this was less threatening than playing all three sides back home, but he wanted to not keep doing that stuff. Then again, if it was for the good of people...he sighs]

Fine, I can try. But how am I supposed to find out something like that?


ar0se December 19 2011, 23:05:41 UTC
Uh... [Oh whoops didn't think of that.] I'm ... not sure? Maybe if the people around the area start acting weird, or if he seems to be spacing out or concentrating hard........ but ... then again, I guess he could do those things without powers, too ...


chosengigolo December 19 2011, 23:07:19 UTC
[....okay he guesses he could start a brawl with Maine and see if that causes any weird behavior, but not really his kinda thing]

Does he have any other powers or is it just the mind controlling?


ar0se December 20 2011, 03:53:18 UTC
I think it's just the mind controlling.


chosengigolo December 20 2011, 05:17:27 UTC
[a sigh]

I guess just leave it to me then~


ar0se December 20 2011, 05:43:42 UTC
Thank you so much. Anything at all is a huge help.

My name's Aradia, if you need to filter anything. What's yours?


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