
Dec 11, 2011 09:40

[ She knows this time of year, she knows what it brings, so naturally she plans to spend most of it in her room away from anyone likely to be affected by this years cursed harbingers of eternal embarrassment. But it doesn't last, eventually the Lady Morgana of Camelot becomes restless and decides to brave the halls of the castle in a effort to ( Read more... )


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Comments 97

save_the_souls December 10 2011, 22:49:26 UTC
[Allen's chilling in the lobby, reading on one of the couches when he hears her approach]


Hello Morgana!


videres December 10 2011, 23:11:15 UTC
[ That's dangerous Allen! Don't you know there are evil things with wings flying about!? She brightens when she sees him, closing her journal as she heads over to greet him. ]

Allen, it is good to see you.


save_the_souls December 11 2011, 01:36:37 UTC
[After five years look at all the fucks he gives, really. And he'll smile too]

It's good to see you too, how have you been?


videres December 11 2011, 14:16:36 UTC
[ That's a hell of a lot of no fucks he is giving. ]

Very well, thank fully. And you? I trust Gwaine has not been making life too difficult.


invitante December 10 2011, 23:52:45 UTC
[Ezio is technically still exploring -- turns out it takes more than 24 hours to see the castle -- but for now he's taking a break in the lobby with a glass of wine and his journal. He's thumbing through it, skimming over most of the entries, more interested in figuring out how people use it than anything.

That and he hasn't really felt like exploring beyond the castle, because that means going through all the snow.

He looks up at Morgana when she speaks, though. "Skimming" goes hand in hand with "not paying attention to talk about fairies."]



videres December 11 2011, 14:03:53 UTC
[ That better be amazing wine in that glass mister.

She raises an eyebrow when she sees him, mouth curving into a smile. This one must be knew, she is sure she would have notice him before if he isn't. The outfit makes him stand out. ]

Have you not seen them?


invitante December 11 2011, 14:10:46 UTC
[Implying he would drink crappy wine?

He flips his book shut to better give her his attention. She's pretty.]

No. I thought they were something from storybooks.


videres December 11 2011, 14:14:22 UTC
[ He better not, it'd offend her medieval sensibilities. ]

If I am not mistaken, so are magic castles and yet here we are, guests of a so called fable.


[written forever] queendramabitch December 11 2011, 02:58:03 UTC
My cats keep trying to catch and eat them. They haven't been successful.


written back! videres December 11 2011, 14:04:52 UTC
At the very least I hope your cat has succeeded in scaring them off.


walkinthruwalls December 11 2011, 13:52:41 UTC
Why would you want to kill them?


videres December 11 2011, 14:06:33 UTC
I do not wish to kill them, merely dissuade them from their inane need to torment us.


walkinthruwalls December 11 2011, 22:06:04 UTC
I doubt they're trying to torture us.


videres December 11 2011, 22:35:04 UTC
Were they trying to torture us I am sure their methods would be different.


echivoc December 14 2011, 02:56:23 UTC
[he's descending the stairs of his tower and spots the dark-haired sorceress from behind. ah, such a beauty to behold~]

Heading out, Morgana?


videres December 14 2011, 21:53:14 UTC
[ She stops mid step and turns, a pleased smile gracing her lips instantly. ]

Perhaps, I have yet to decide on a destination.


echivoc December 15 2011, 06:22:02 UTC
I am sure wherever you go, your presence will be welcome.


videres December 15 2011, 08:44:01 UTC
And what would you being doing on this fine day?


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