
Dec 06, 2011 20:30

[He's gonna ask this over the journal as casually as he can, as if it's just mild curiosity as opposed to wanting to find out as quickly as possible.]

Is there anything here like a, uh...doctor or something? I-I'm just wondering, in case it ever comes up...in the future I mean.

ryotaro nogami

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Dictated forever~ atadiscoverer December 6 2011, 20:39:59 UTC
[Carson's voice filters over the journal.]

It depends on what type of doctor. I'm a medical one, if that's what you mean


Re: Dictated forever~ fatedtobehated December 6 2011, 20:56:57 UTC
Yeah, that's it...I just had a bit of an accident recently and now I'm in a bit of pain. I thought it might be a good idea to have someone, uh...check it out? I guess.


atadiscoverer December 6 2011, 20:59:45 UTC
Uh. Aye, I can check it out. Just wish I had my medi-

[A pause, and a surprised-sounding] Oh.


fatedtobehated December 6 2011, 21:20:45 UTC
[There's a little chuckle here; seems he's just found out about asking the castle for things.]

Is there somewhere we can meet?


atadiscoverer December 6 2011, 21:30:09 UTC
Uh, sure. Wherever you like.

[Indeedy. It seems the castle has given him an exact replica of the SGC's standard med-kit, too.]


fatedtobehated December 6 2011, 21:43:08 UTC
Would your room be okay? Just mine's a little, uh...cramped. All day every day.


atadiscoverer December 6 2011, 21:55:05 UTC
Sure. Room 606, floor six.

I'm Dr. Carson Beckett.


fatedtobehated December 6 2011, 22:18:16 UTC
I'm N...uh, Ryotaro Nogami. I'll be there as soon as I can.

[So he's just gonna head on over and after a little while of walking, arrive, giving your room door a little knock or two.]


atadiscoverer December 6 2011, 22:24:46 UTC
[And the door opens, seeing Carson standing there, smiling slightly.]

Ah, Mr. Nogami, please, come in.

[He steps to one side. His bedroom is tidy, for the most part, and still in it's basic configuration. The med-kit has been unpacked on the bed.]

So, what can I help you with?


fatedtobehated December 6 2011, 22:41:29 UTC
[He comes in but...he's not really sure what to do with himself so he'll just stand there awkwardly in the middle of the room, looking at you.]

I kind've, um...

[Best way to explain this...]

Fell. Out of a window on the third floor...and a few minutes before that sort've got, uh...tossed around a bit. Against some walls. I don't know if anything is broken or that but my entire body really...just...hurts. A lot. Walking over here kind've made it feel worse for a bit. It's back to just aching all over now...cause I'm not moving.


atadiscoverer December 6 2011, 22:50:15 UTC
Okay, well...

[He pulls out the chair.] Sit down.

[He then moves off to grab his stethoscope, before turning to look at Ryotaro.]

Where does it hurt the most?


fatedtobehated December 6 2011, 22:56:06 UTC
[He'll sit down and, having heard his question, gesture behind him to his shoulder blades.]

Around here...It took most of the impact from the fall.


atadiscoverer December 6 2011, 23:01:13 UTC
[Carson moves around]

I'm going to lightly press on it, see if it hurts, okay?

[And he gently presses a hand on the area of his spine.


fatedtobehated December 6 2011, 23:07:54 UTC
[Little nod.]


[He'll grit his teeth, wincing as he feels the hand against his back, but he's gonna try and stop himself from moving or anything.]


atadiscoverer December 6 2011, 23:11:07 UTC
Well, there's definately some damage there... You mind taking your shirt off?

[He moves his hand from his back.]

Good news is, it's probably not broken, otherwise you wouldn't be walking about.


fatedtobehated December 6 2011, 23:25:31 UTC
That's a relief...I was a little worried about any kind of lasting damage.

[He takes off his scarf, removes his jacket and then pulls his shirt off over his head, neatly laying them on top of the bed beside them.]

It's not the worst thing that's ever happened but, you know, better safe than sorry...eheh.


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