
Dec 06, 2011 11:32

[Over the past few days, York's been trying to keep calm. Kat's name had disappeared from the room she and Noble-Six had shared, and he's scoured the floors at least three or four times and made several filtered entries to her. Wash was being unresponsive as well--his nameplate was still there, thank God--but even York couldn't pick the lock. So today he's pounding on the door in the third floor hallway. Naturally, he doesn't seem to notice or care that his journal has opened.]

God dammit Wash, open up or I'll break the damn door down!

[UNSC filter, sans Maine]

Please tell me you're all still here. We're down at least two, maybe three.



Uh, you guys are still here, right? Please say you are. [Even if you're Muppets.]


((ooc: Open in person or over the journal. Probably not the best time for kissing unless you're one of the predetermined ones who will punch York in the face for trying.))

delta, freelancer york

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