Dec 01, 2011 11:51
Is it strange?
[There's a pause here, because for someone that is so friendly with words? For once the right ones seem hard to find]
To feel the loss of something you never even wanted in the first place?
[Yes, she's talking about Illyria here. Now that attacks and expeditions are over? The realization of what is gone is falling catching up with
winifred burkle
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And then she wasn't.
[Maybe it's the loss of being able to understand that she misses. And now that opportunity is gone]
[ So, this is a person. ]
[Fred is reluctant to explain further, considering who this is. But it isn't like he couldn't scroll back through the journals himself and sort it out for himself]
That I die. I was going my best to keep that part a secret.
[It occurs to her then that he likely knows of Illyria. After all, she was one of the people Damon attacked]
[ He takes this in. ]
A vampire version of yourself lived in the castle?
[ Hypocritical... ]
[Had she made it sound that way] No. More like a primordial god. One of the Firsts. My body got used as the host.
[And that? Was oddly clinical. It helps when the receiving end isn't a friend you are having to face down]
[ Well. Not a vampire. His righteous rage simmers into indignation. ]
I'm sorry you died.
I guess I'm sorry that I died too.
[There'd been plans. Maybe nothing of a specific sort, but she always secretly assumed that she's conquered the worst the universe was going to throw at her once she escaped Pylea. And maybe it wasn't a tidy little house in Texas with a whitewashed fence and babies that slept in drawers? But it was a future]
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