006 || written/dictated;

Nov 26, 2011 15:16

[ Private ]

Necessary to revise

Possible reaction to

Timing is

Doesn't make sen

Could theoretically

Don't see why it

[A series of taps. He hums, long and low and frustrated. And then the journal snaps abruptly shut.]


[ Teams 1, 2, 4, and 5 ]

Going to assume that at least a handful of you had the presence of mind to collect samples from the portion of the tomb you explored. Of any type. Animal, vegetable, mineral, or otherwise.

I'd like to see them, if possible.

Should mention that I may want to experiment on some of them, and that I cannot promise that the samples would be returned in a comparable state to their present one. Would be willing to share my results, though, of course.



[ Team 3 ]

If you didn't bother to pick up any of the technology we found, ignore this.

    ◦ What did you take?
    ◦ Is it functioning?
    ◦ Can I have a look?


[He does his hourly scan of the journal after that, which essentially amounts to rapid flipping and a lot of skipped entries. He's had a bit of excess energy since John forced him to "be reasonable" and "take care of his health."

So he dictates, cheerfully sarcastic (which is as close to regular cheerful as he's able to get, really):]

God forbid the lot of you talk about anything more engaging than the newest reason to stuff your faces.

[American Thanksgiving is kind of his worst nightmare. Who makes a holiday just to eat and socialize with family members? Terrifying.

Tap tap tap.]

"Dark meat" -- so called because of pigmentation created by high concentrations of myoglobin -- consists primarily of slow-twitch muscle fibers designed for extended exertion. Very useful for determining typical patterns of behavior in an unfamiliar specimen.

There, I've even kept to the theme. Next year you might even have something intelligent to deflect with when your host asks you how you like their sub-par cooking.

You're welcome.

sherlock holmes

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