[To Self]
That expedition could have gone a whole lot better. You need to step up your vigilance, self, and make sure that the Outpost incident is not repeated. How do you expect to lead and help if you couldn't see that coming? You're used to betrayals of trust by now; Echidna would be mocking you right now. Almost deservedly so.
Unfortunately, you can't take action as everyone is insisting you rest from your injuries. May as well placate them for now. Just take your meds and get better so you can get back to work faster.
We're redoubling your efforts when you're healed. That includes talking to people and helping reassure them; be a bit more social. Make yourself known. Self, zero points for now.
[End Filter]
[Vriska + Rose filter]
[Alleyne: Grade all the brats.
Wow, you two misbehaved something fierce on that subway in Libet. Unfortunately, that means you get grades. Fortunately, those meds she took have taken the venom out of her words. She'll send a note to each of your rooms, grading you.
Now if only you knew what sense she was trying to make.]
To Vriska Serket and Rose Lalonde:
You two aren't nearly as pointy as whelps your age should be. Back in my day, we showed our elders we cared with good hygiene and making sure to eat everything we were given. I also walked uphill backwards in the snow to get to elf-school. Perhaps it'd teach you manners to do the same.
I'll see you two after class. I want you each to write me an essay on your favorite weapon and why you shouldn't have to do five hundred push ups. 17 points!
-Combat Instructor Alleyne
[End Filter]
[Isabela Filter]
[And you! You get a present! By which we mean a pile of small lava rocks from Libet wrapped in what appears to be a love letter, but is really her grading you on things like alcohol tolerance, fashion sense, and how boring your cleavage is compared to the women of Gainos. Step up your game if you're going to work around her.
Also, there is the world's worst attempt at a friendfic involving Alleyne and Isabela that devolves into a critique of friendfic as a whole. What kind of medicine is she on?
And it's not even your birthday!]
[End Filter]
[She was also going to send a gift to Aradia but she's a robot right now, it can wait until she can appreciate it.
Instead, she's wandered into the kitchen, covered in bandages and quite loopy off of the painkillers she was given post-trip. That lump on her head thanks her for it. Her journal is beside her as she puts her hat in the microwave, dictating, voice a bit more relaxed and slow than usual.]
My hat's not warm enough. I think the 'defrost' setting should work for it.
I kind of miss Ruu, too. He was like a brother to me, if a sibling could be small and pink. I studied monkey-fu because of him. Great guy, great guy. Everyone should get a simian companion like him. I recommend it. Which reminds me...
[She'll go over to the fridge and open it, crouched down and staring into it like it was filled with wonder and merriment.]
Alleria, I know you're in the fridge. You should come out, it's too cold this time of year to play hide and seek in there! Did Sylvanas and Vereesa put you in the deli drawer? That's so rude of them! Rude sisters! They should appreciate you and your superior beauty.
Besides, everyone knows you should keep elves in the vegetable crisper.
[And cue Paradisa's microwave dying a billionth time due to hatsplosion. Guess you can't really microwave a tomato, even if it's just a hat that looks like one.]
Well. Oops. Sorry about that. Cleanup in the kitchen, stat!
[ooc: Open for journal or kitchen. Enjoy morphine marinated elf.]