007. [written]

Nov 06, 2011 16:11

[Filtered to Hesam:]

I know you mightn't want to talk but it's Bonnie. The girl who attacked you recently. Thing is, I was on a loss. I'm not a vampire, I promise. I'm sorry for what I did to you and I really hope that you're okay. I want to make amends.


[Filtered to Ted:]

Hey, Ted. I'm the girl that attacked you not so long ago. It was because I was on a loss and nothing to do with me. I swear I'm not a vampire. I'm sorry for scaring you like that. We need to talk, please.


[Filtered to Duke:]

Duke, it's Bonnie. I attacked you over a week ago and I wasn't myself. The castle put me on a loss, making me a vampire. I'm sorry for hurting you and I wish I could take it back. You mightn't want to talk, but we need to. Please.


[Filtered to Wesley:]

Wesley. I'm sorry for what I did and for the pain I caused. I wasn't myself because the castle put me on a loss. It had been building up for weeks and I didn't tell anyone because I was scared. I hope you're okay and we need to talk. Please.


[Mystic Falls filter (except Katherine)]

Sorry for not being around for a while. I was on a loss which turned me into a vampire. It started with me craving blood and I had satisfied my hunger with blood bags until I needed something more fresh. I...attacked some people but I didn't kill them. I know I should have asked for help but I was so afraid.

I'm sorry...


bonnie bennett

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