16 traps filled

Nov 03, 2011 15:11

[Ray's in the game room, perusing his options. perched on the couch, he looks over the lineup of games as he dictates idly into his open journal nearby]

I know you guys are gonna think I'm crazy, but I'm ... kinda disappointed we didn't get any ghosts, ghouls, spooks, or spectres. It felt weird havin' a Halloween where I wasn't runnin' my kiester all over creation with work orders.

Oh! - Hey, Rose? Your apple witches're done, if you wanna come by my room later an' pick 'em up. Just lemme know when you're gonna drop by.

... Anyone feel like joinin' me in the game room? A lotta these games look like they're better with two players.

[and he'll pop Tetris in and play that while he's waiting for takers. after a few rounds, he pauses the game and puts in a quick filter]


Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while - how're you doing?

ray stantz

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