Oct 30, 2011 21:41
[This afternoon finds Rose out on the castle grounds, sitting cross-legged on the edge of the fountain with what seems to be a large black blanket in her lap. She's hemming up one jagged end of it with a needle and thread, and on closer inspection it might appear to be some sort of cloak, rather than a blanket.
She jumps a little as she pricks her finger, and in the pause that she takes to nurse her finger, Rose dictates into the journal.]
After all these months, it still strikes me as odd that this castle takes seems to favor Earth cultures so strongly. The mirrored holidays, at the very least, are impossible to miss.
It leads me to wonder, though - has there ever been an event taken from a non-Earth culture here?
((ooc: open to grounds or journal, and backdated to early afternoon))
rose lalonde